Kiss-Shot V3

Since apparently I need to form a moral opinion on the players in this piece, I'm going to say this:

Except the threat of HIV in her area is a very real threat, something that people in the west probably aren't used to.

I think that this is very relevant information.

It think it's more 'mutilation towards a guy who violated terms of consent and published a video of an underage girl having sex on the internet is not okay, but I don't have that much of a problem with it' kind of thing.

It's really bad against pedophiles, and that goes for pretty much everywhere you go. Cruel and unusual punishment is cruel and unusual punishment, and pedophiles have the right to serve their 12 months of probation and get on with their lives.

I think that most of us don't live in South Africa, have no idea what the culture there is like, and are using our own standards of justice to lay moral blame on people that were caught up in shitty circumstances that we will never be able to personally understand.

Why do we even punish child pornography seriously anyway? Once a video is out there, it's out there, and victims just move on with their lives. If they consented to the sex, what's the big deal...

If the guy was a minor, I'd probably side more with him than anyone else.

Even for producers of child pornography, cruel and unusual punishment should never be acceptable.

I was thinking more that women tend to not be socialized to be stupid enough to think that becoming a professional video game player is a viable vector for financial stability.

Well parents can still cut parts of their junk off just after birth, so there's that.

For real. Maybe it prejudice against men or whatever, but this reeks of 19th century orphanages to me.

Me and Godwin are gonna say no on that one. Alleged child abuse by one man does not equal the systematic extermination of an entire race of people.

Some people want to finish a match in less than 8 minutes.

This is Capcom bullshit all over again. I remember when Skullgirls was being teased, Mike Z came out and gave demonstrations of all the mechanics so we would know what to expect. When it released, it was practically released in pre-beta stage with so much being unfinished, but at least we knew that combat system was

That's pretty much 90% of the problems on Kotaku in general.

Except when it releases, you're stuck with it, and if you want a patch from Capcom, you'll have to fork over another 30 USD. Don't you love paying $100 for a game to 'maybe' be balanced?

I don't know about you, but I love buying a $160 game that ends up being balanced like shit because of "Maximum Hype!!!". Gotta remember to buy those racist summer vacation costumes too!

For real. Remember in SF2 when a young chinese male could dive kick on your face and pressure you into a corner and you can't do anything about it because you have no meterless reversal?