Kiss-Shot V3

Maybe they should stop having these exhibitions with pro players that don't know fuck all about the game and can only give us half-assed matches with the same two characters in the same stage over and over with the fucking noodle bowl. Maybe they should introduce some new shit in the new exhibitions instead of giving

They shouldn't be having exhibitions then. The more they show us how little is actually done, the less I could start to care about it. The more I see this being pushed on me, the less I think this game will be good and more that I think that Capcom is desperate for my money, and fuck knows that they aren't interested

Well, SF4 anyway. Third Strike has been one of the best fighting games to date, and I'm surprised that more people haven't gravitated towards that mechanics system, though I hear of a new Steam game that's going to be similar. But hell, even Blazblue is better than SF4.

Oh you...

Evan Stone looks like the slightly more popular cousin of Tommy Wiseau.

Maybe she wanted the first penis she saw to be her husband's, but because of my "hilarious" antics, I took away her agency.

Oh, and Anna Merlan is going to save Jezebel, because she's one of the only people here anymore that actually does her homework.

Let's not talk about that article ever again, shall we?

But I we have such sights to show you...

Video games are serious business.

Superman would just snap his neck though.

Video games are serious business you guys.

Things were better when I was first active on the site a couple of years ago, back when Lindy was still writing. Now, with all the people complaining about the "SJWs" and shitty journalism, the last thing Jez needed was to actually hire those people. The reason I keep coming back after getting banned is because I love

I'm starting to think that this article is a plant by the #gamergate movement just so they have something to talk about.

It's ironic that as much as we've debunked the #gamergate bullshit, this is exactly what they're complaining about. We're literally giving them fuel for the fire.

They set up the games in a way where they're half-playing, and half demoing aspects of the game. I guarantee that most of what you saw in the game was scripted. It's Mortal Kombat. The only thing the game has to its name is over-the-top violence.

I don't know how we as a community can complain about people misunderstanding feminism and being obstinate in not explaining every little thing to them when we can't take 10 seconds to Google "Mortal Kombat" and get even just a glimpse of what exactly this game is about. This is not fucking journalism. This is a

There's a reason that I'm currently V3. Prolly gonna be V4 after this article.

I'm not sure about these new writers anymore. Merlan is pretty decent, but some of these new writers just seem to put random shit out there with no thought to the effect it creates on the community and the website as a whole. As much as I got banned confronting Lindy, she was still one of my favorite writers on the

"Killer Instinct = good"