Who even gives a fuck about the story? This is just Capcom trying to screw its idiot followers out of another $140 a game.
Who even gives a fuck about the story? This is just Capcom trying to screw its idiot followers out of another $140 a game.
I'm a little more worried by "Daughter get raped by big white father cock" and "Dad sells daughter hot pussy" that whatever you're going on about.
I never said anything out loud at the time out of respect for the idea that many victims of sex abuse frequent these boards, but yeah. They weren't especially awful. Relatively.
That's an incredibly naive way to look at that. For one, women aren't fantasizing about raping people, they are fantasizing about being 'raped' and in context the 'rape' is an excuse to feel sexual pleasure in a culture that rebukes women who desire physical pleasure.
"Some of that"? Most of it. I don't want to make any kind of racist statement here, because it has nothing to do with race, but a lot of the porn that comes out of the Japanese culture has a lot of "consent optional" themes running through it. It infects a lot of the anime community as well, but more and more I'm…
I would like to argue that as it stands, a large part of male desire is based on the fact that there is an unequal power distribution within a sexual relationship.
Well as a "Dworkin" or whatever, seeing where things are currently headed, porn is getting more and more hateful of the existence of women as human beings, and that isn't going to change by any measure of 'sex positivity'. The common feeling with most comfortable misogynists is that women 'allow' themselves to be…
Strange though, that when porn is for male pleasure it routinely features women being abused, humiliated, and degraded.
I... didn't like this game. I mean, it's okay and all, but considering how much fans of this game tend to lambast the DmC reboot despite it functioning rather well, also having good music and being marginally better than the last Devil May Cry release, it's not like this was revolutionary in any way when it comes to…
So now the American police system needs to use tactics that would be used by our military on terrorists in foreign countries in order to arrest someone on suspicion of a double homicide.
No, I completely agree with what you said. Innocent black lives are viewed by white people as collateral damage in the pursuit of the targeted portrayal of economically disadvantaged black people as criminals and less-thans. Nobody has a problem with this militarized police state when people of color are targeted.
That said, there's a certain amount of insidiousness to the oppression by the former group because they can oppress you while giving the appearance that they aren't actually doing anything. That's true power.
Observatory believes they have executed 15 people since July, nine of them women, all for either adultery or homosexuality.
You are what happens when our public school system only focuses on American history and culture and ignores the rest of the world. But if you are so knowledgeable of their culture, if we just send you over there we won't have to worry about anything. Hell, I'll sponsor that trip.
Is there a context to this passage, because right there it seems that the Prophet was calling out the hypocrisy of the Jews for picking and choosing which tenants of their law they were to follow.
That's what happens in a capitalist, agricultural anti-socialist society. When it's every man for himself, the only person who wins is the one pulling all the strings.
How it happens in real life is woman gets harassed, she goes to the cops, the cops tell her that they can't do anything until she's either raped or killed, and then they send her back home.
Furries would like to say hi.
Well, look at what happened to the furry community. Just a bunch of teens and adults who like to get together and get drunk and buy stuff, and they're painted as deviant sex maniacs to the whole world just because of one CSI episode. Granted, at that point the furry community wasn't as well known to people outside of…