Kiss-Shot V2

I can't wrap my head around why people care so much about people focusing on one game and getting their money's worth out of it. But maybe games today are meant to be like chip ahoys where you just gobble them one after another.

One thing I'll say, it that this kind of dedication gets you a lot more visibility in the community. The people who run games at AGDQ and other such streams dedicate their time to maybe one or two games, and they become the best at them, almost becoming synonymous with the game itself in the community.

You see both of these kinds of gamers clash in games like Dark Souls 2. Some gamers are only in it for the single-player story, despite the deliberate integration of the single player experience with multiplayer connectivity, and get angry when other people invade them or their experience in somehow interrupted. Other

Kids can get really creepy, real fast from my adult experience. That said, I was probably a nightmare myself. I hear I used to shriek at people when I was younger because I was trying to see like a bat.

Maybe when you can type a comprehensible statement, I'll look into answering whatever question you apparently have.

Um, his fucking complex was going to wake their kids up that she likely had to put to bed considering how tired she said she was. I would've been the same way. The guy looks like he's in his 30s, show some self restraint.

You've see the way they write!

Yep, the solution for feminism is for women to never have sex with men, ever.


Culture doesn't condition men to treat women like equal human beings. It conditions them to treat them like sex objects. And sex objects don't have opinions and don't challenge other people's worldviews.

Exactly, which is why I used those words. I don't pretend that SA has the same justice system as the US. But at the same time, those are some pretty serious charges.

the Burmese national living in Saudi Arabia was convicted of the sexual assault and murder of her seven-year-old stepdaughter.

Like I said before, I have nothing against the director nor am I telling him what he can or cannot do. I am instead lamenting the fact that the only stories about women that get experienced in modern media are stories told by men.

*bangs head repeatedly against wall*

Because you're the kind of person who would let a pedophile babysit your kids because not all pedophiles molest children and you don't want to make any sweeping generalizations. Yeah ok.

The guy's an MRA that's been on the boards for months, and just recently reappeared after a hiatus/ban.

This is the shit that gets us labelled as whiny man-haters, and makes a lot of women unable to call themselves feminists in public.

Um, in regards to the college thing, you hear that argument all the time. Something something anti-sexual assault policies aren't letting men be men and the fact that the culture doesn't spend every second of the day polishing men's egos makes it an anti-male place and the world is going to shit because of all the

None of us are telling him what he can or can't make, we're expressing exasperation at the idea that once again a man is making a movie about a man's perspective of women, and it's being treated as a new, unique look at women through modern media, when in actuality it is everything but. We're exasperated that the only

You, and people like you regarding different pieces of media, are missing the point. We're not saying that men can't write media featuring women, but the main point is thatalmost every time women are featured in media in general, their characters are written from a man's point of view. Their characters constantly