Kiss-Shot V2

It seems like the only way Hollywood will accept the lives of women is whenever that life is funneled through the viewpoint of a man.


I love that mod; looks great.

Feeling compelled to look at yoga pants says more about the looker than the lookee. Especially since the only people I see wear yoga pants out in public are 13 year old girls.

Wow, that blast from the past.

Probably myself. Because I don't have anybody else.

Video games are serious business you guys.

What about the lives of children killed by our imperialist military in other countries? Where's that money coming from? #innocentchildren'slivesmatter

That's actually exactly why I opposed Gamergate most of the time.

It's the same thing with feminism. People complain about the name, of all goddamned things, when forgetting that feminism has a goal of gender egalitarianism, it exists to acknowledge the ways culture targets women specifically for many societal sanctions based upon their willingness to submit as second-class

You know, you can't adequately argue against something when you don't understand what it means.

For real, fuck that shit. I'm hungry too, and the poor get free shit?! So unfair! Now I have to go into my refrigerator to eat the ice cream that I HAD TO PAY FOR!! Fucking poors. Everyone should get free food or no one should get free food!

Because they get off on the pain and humiliation of abusing someone they believe to be a lower class of being than themselves.

I'm sure most people would feel better that a woman died defending herself than take intelligent steps to survive the encounter with as little physical damage as possible.

I think a more effective lesson would be teaching girls that all men they meet are potential rapists and that they should treat them that way. If we're talking about teaching girls responsibility, that's one of the most clear-cut solutions.

Dworkin mode engaging, but whatever.

I thought that story was going to go south in a completely different way.

I was gonna make jokes, but after looking at the pictures, these women are beautiful badasses and there's nothing more that needs to be said.