My parents never gave me the talk either. I figured it out through online anime sex games.
My parents never gave me the talk either. I figured it out through online anime sex games.
Weird how these "random acts of violence by baaad people who in no way have any kind of common distinction with each other" all have the same MO and happen to the same kinds of people and are perpetrated by the same kinds of people. I mean, sociologists would suggest a kind of cultural influence, but obviously these…
That picture is hilarious because it looks like Jay-Z has an afro.
Put them on her, and I'll share her with you
No, I'm empowering girls to build life skills as they sew for 10 hours a day in my house with no windows or air conditioning while I build a profit off of American Made clothing.
Not even just porn, but bad, expensive, and unerotic porn.
Yeah, that Rengar nerf lasted about a 4 months before people were critting for 1500 damage on a Q and Rengar could literally kill you with one attack. Even after they removed it, he's still pretty decent against most top lane matchups.
It still makes you look like a tool, and says "I likely don't take this off before I physically abuse my girlfriend".
Or they're fine for mens sexual desires,
It's more fun to expose them as idiots.
It's not like they kicked them in the dicks, they beat them at a fucking game. Nobody should be crying about JV basketball.
Pikachu kinda looked like a turd though.
Video games are serious business.
Riot encouraged 'toxicity' the second that they gave gamers a FTP game with low sys req and said, "yo nerd, to win you gotta co-operate with 4 other random people of varying skill, now go all Call of Duty on their asses by trying to get the best K/D".
Or have an equivalent of DS2's Soul Memory.