Reading up on Rudy Rasmus, he seems like the kind of religious dude that I can get behind - the polar opposite of Osteen. I guess Tyler is hedging his bets?
Reading up on Rudy Rasmus, he seems like the kind of religious dude that I can get behind - the polar opposite of Osteen. I guess Tyler is hedging his bets?
If you’re going to tell me that Malcolm is (or Tony was) running this show on his own, I’m going to to be very concerned. Every MP who holds a portfolio has a part in running the country.
You’re not wrong. But Barnaby Joyce is a massive dickhole, and was so extra during the whole dog debarcle. He did a million morning show interviews on it instead of, you know, releasing a statement and moving on with running the country. He was clearly very excited to be in proximity to celebrity. Even know, 18 months…
Definitely not an asshole comment. But as an atheist who is mostly embarrassed by the whole movement, it’s a played out joke that is used to be dismissive and mock people’s genuinely held beliefs. So I can see why people might be a little knee-jerky.
I avoided How to be Single for a long time because I thought that Rebel had a main part. When we eventually did watch it, I realised that her part was mercifully small, and that I actually liked the movie.
I agree. Kind of a bummer that I had to scroll so far down to find this comment.
There is one paticular (well meaning, I hope) commenter who has argued with a bunch of TERFs, bringing them out of the greys. Hopefully sharing their “as a cis-male” experience is worth making this an uncomfortable place for women.
I have so many questions about this. Was he just... driving past them? How long did he watch these people in order to see them walk *blocks*?
No way, after all the work they did on President Santos’ campaign.
It’s interesting to find out how people measure which women are worthy of their sympathy after a violent attack.
The comments on Hiddleston’s Facebook are Hilarious. Middle aged white women are coming out in droves to tell him what a good person he is, and that he has nothing to apologise for.
That’s what I was wondering too. Are they going to “it was all a dream” us?
You don’t really need a reason to criticise. You can just dismiss anyone who questions it.
The original detractors were loudly decrying the movie before the teaser trailer even came out, so when we say it’s about women, it’s because we don’t have a short memory.
I was struck by how he used the terms “menstruating friends” and “people who menstruate” than women or girls. He's cool and kind and thoughtful with his words. So much time for folks like this.
Well she’s fat, gay, and female. So I’m sure that’s enough for some people.
Fellow New Zealanders may recognise Jacob Tomuri as Norman, the hot mortitian from Shortland Street. RIP Norm, you were by far the most interesting character, until they made you quit your job and work in a bar.
I think she was saying she has 2 bio children at the start of the video, but then she goes on to say she has 2 daughters, including her stepdaughter.