I don't think Bernie can take credit for progressives hating Hillary. That kind of goes with being progressive.
I don't think Bernie can take credit for progressives hating Hillary. That kind of goes with being progressive.
If I wanted to watch a primetime event where morons in the media ask slightly bigger morons on podiums absurd questions, I’ll watch the rest of the Republican debates.
I concur, and I seriously hope your right.
Lol way to slip in your masters
If it’s real maple syrup, as opposed to maple flavored sugar sludge, you are supposed to refrigerate it:
This is just terrible journalism. Florio spelled “hospital” REALLY wrong.
Tek was the biggest fake tough guy right there. Mask on and didn’t even throw a punch. Just gave a bitchey “hold me bach” shove. All this on a guy he knew wasn’t going to swing back in a million years. Please with that bullshit.
I desperately want Trump to get the nomintmation just for the sheer majesty of it all.
Superior is a interesting descriptor. I would posit that with good enough insurance and money, the US is the best place in the world to be sick. Just don’t be poor and sick here.
You realize, of course, we’re talking about the Pan Am games. It’s the Olympics for people who think amateur isn’t amateur enough.
Thank you for shit talking the fact that their milk comes in bags. It’s a poor milk storage/transportation mechanism.
I agree with it not always being about the bottom line. But why can’t the state get some cut of the revenue if they are investing in this arena?
“Keeping a sports team in town makes a large percentage of the locals happy”
Imagine if your best friend in the whole world sent you a text message in which he unironically inserted a number into his name.
As a Wisconsinite, It's not the allocating public money for an arena I find offensive, it's the fact that the people supporting it in the legislature then turn around and tell everyone how broke the state is and how we have to cut things like education and highway repair.
Citizens almost never get to vote on funding stadium construction.
The Jags are the worthless brother in law of the NFL, laying on your leather couch in his underwear, hogging the remote, eating all your food and drinking all your beer.
Barry, you mean billionaires don’t buy sports teams out of fan loyalty, but because they make huge profits? But they sound so sincere.
Still, I suppose we can take some solace in the fact that Goodell and the rest of the league must hate the fact the Packers have to release this information to the pits of their cold, dead hearts.
It turns out that the Patriots released their financials as well, but didn't account for inflation.