
A Canadian gold medal will still only buy 0.77 American gold medals.

So all of a sudden Alberta isn’t Canadian!?

After conquering one fabled American past-time, The Canadians’ will now set their sights on mastering morbid obesity and abject racism.

People keep saying “neurotic” like it’s a bad thing. Refusing to sit with my back to the door at a restaurant has kept me alive for this long, thank you and shut up.

[holds finger one millimeter away from sister’s face]


As a former NJ resident, I can say that the need for state certification never stopped Action Park before.

Yes, to your pocket it’s probably not a big deal, but the collective amount is what you need to focus on. Take a few minutes to think about all the things a struggling city can do with $250 million motherfuckin dollars.

How about you just go kill yourself

Car drivers follow even fewer rules than cyclists. I challenge anyone who actually thinks otherwise to just keep a count of every moving violation they see while driving for a couple of days. Every time you see someone speeding, every time you see someone change lanes in an intersection, every time you see someone run

In California (which is similar to every State), bicycles are supposed to take up the entire lane unless the lane is more than 14' from center line to shoulder line with no obstructions (such as cars parked alongside the roadway whose doors could open or driveways or sidestreets present). Few roads meet that criteria.

Until the laws change and ban me from doing

You should die in a crash.

Yeah, we're posting pictures!

Go die.

Cyclists are gonna keep riding on sidewalks when guys like that keep casting all their freaking ire on cyclists and inevitably take out their frustration on said cyclists. Too many idiots orchestrating grand scenarios of how they're being wronged by cyclists in order to rationalize vehicularly assaulting them on the

Eat a dick @gopats12

Is it idiot American stereotype day today?

Also, to elaborate that. How about you drive your car through a shopping mall. Oh wait, because that's illegal and can kill people? Right, well, riding on the sidewalk is not permitted for cyclists - hence the riding in the streets. Share the roads works both ways. People like you are the cancer of America.

You're an idiot.