But I would also agree that she seems pretty mellow in the clip for E to be the case, so chalk me up to being full of shit.
But I would also agree that she seems pretty mellow in the clip for E to be the case, so chalk me up to being full of shit.
I went off the fact that she looks like she REALLY loves those chips. In my, admittedly limited, experience with those under said influence, I've seen similar, focused intensity on any number of things. That, coupled with her motor skills not seemingly compromised to any severe extent, led me to my guess. Just…
I will say that, back in high school (which was like 13 years ago now), she certainly wasn't as ridiculous as she comes across in the video. She had a bit of a streak which obviously developed into what you see above, but was still moderately grounded then, based on the fact that we all kinda grew up in the middle of…
She definitely appears to be rolling. Lucky for her, this is one of the newer trains, not that it makes her decision to eat chips of questionable repute off the floor any better.
Does the dad in the lead-in Frosted Flakes commercial passive-aggresively complaining about the kid spilling like TWO FUCKING FLAKES bother anyone else? "Oh, and make sure to swirl your spoon around the bowl before eating the cereal, Junior. It just makes it... right."
After disappearing from the baseball world for nearly 30 years, Dyer was recently tracked down to give his two cents on Maddux becoming a Hall of Famer. Incredulously, he responded, "Maddux... yeah right! Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining."
In all fairness, DC sports fans should listen to Howard Stern though, so they don't have to hear about the Nationals, the Wizards, the Redskins, and the Capitals...
The Eastern Shore is essentially East West Virginia. It's like Deliverance plus Old Bay.
There's a name for them: they're called "water trash."
I assume you've been struck dead mid sentence for speaking ill of 'Gansett. May you rest in ice cold, refreshing peace.
"... and have been living in roach-infested flophouses."
That's unfortunate. We should get them in touch with whoever's sister's boyfriend's aunt's stepson. Apparently he's doing well for himself working from home.
Hoppy fuckfests, the lot of them. Give me a Genny cream ale any day over an IPA.
And you're telling me Tulowizki doesn't want to be a part of this organization?! Pish posh.
Yuengling : PA :: _________
And there are puzzles under the cap! Fiscally reasonable and and intellectually stimulating, what else could you ask for?
You're a crazy person. Yuengling Lite's original prescribed use was to wash the hands of steel workers after a long day at the foundry. Human consumption only followed as a necessity.
"It's often the same price in PA as the cheapest options..."
Jesus Christ, trigger warning on that picture!! Flashbacks to pure terror from my youth: