It's the World Cup and they're still German: Blotto von Bismarck
It's the World Cup and they're still German: Blotto von Bismarck
To all the ass girls and boys out there, you're welcome...
I'm writing a thesis and I play hockey. I have a tukhus you could rest a water glass on.
Ol' Uncle Charlie! My grandparents used to regale us with stories of the old Shultz and Dooley commercials. Youtube is a wonderful thing for reliving a bygone era of awesome stereotypes. They'd never do it, but they should totally bring them back.
But those chicken riggies thoooooooooooo...!?
And there are actually 3 Stanley Cups: The OG cup that I think is forever in a vault or something, the presentation cup that gets passed around between the players, and the one that's enshrined in the hockey hall of fame in Toronto. Doesn't change the point Drew's making, but still a fun fact.
Gentlemen, gentlemen, come now. We all know that LeBron will be plying his trade in the greatest arena in the western hemisphere, Madison Square Gar... oh Christ, I can't, I just can't. I can't even delude myself to get unrealistically excited for the upcoming decade of Knicks seasons. At least we got rid of Renaldo…
LeBron's agent is going to become Even Richer Paul...
So, apparently she needs me to question the reason for her fame in order to spur her on to victory. Michelle, I will gladly be your professional hater, just get in touch with me.
I looked it up to avoid any further speculation on my part:
Was this scored a wild pitch? That looked like a passed ball if I'd ever seen one, it was barely a foot above McKenry's target. Someone get David Ortiz on the line.
Thankfully, Bill Buckner will also be remembered for his sterling strikeout num . . . Wait . . . he did what?! Oh, this changes everything!
Good for her. But, be that as it may, in the LPGA, you get exactly zero coverage unless you're a) smoking hot, b) dating Ben Roethlisberger, or c) some form of dog and pony show. I haven't heard a thing about her in probably 3 years, which is notable given the initial raging media boner her debut garnered. The fact…
I preferred this story the first time I read it, when her name was Michelle Wie. What the hell ever happened to her?!
Totally agree. I asked why a runner wasn't called safe for the same rule on a post from April ("Jose Fernandez's Fake-Out Play Was Ballsy and Awesome"), and was summarily dismissed. You can disagree with new rules until you're blue in the face, but I'm sure someone can justify their implementation based on safety or…
Two or three drinks is the bare minimum to drag your ass out of bed and go to the Ralph. I'd guess the average fan is sitting a 6er deep at a Jets / Bills game.
I'm a sucker for the classics:
It's not a private business, it's a franchise of a larger brand collective. Have we learned nothing from Donald Sterling?