"LeBron gets $30M, but when I start dealing with Beats, I get a life sentence? Where's the justice in that!?"
"LeBron gets $30M, but when I start dealing with Beats, I get a life sentence? Where's the justice in that!?"
I'm your dingleberry.
I'm not saying the buyer is in the right here either, because, like steellt78 mentioned, anyone in their right mind knows this is a mistake and, in purchasing, is only trying to capitalize on it (which I also think anyone would do, i.e. human nature). Yes, he got $300 for essentially nothing, and I'd gladly except if…
It's more realistic that Person A would be too busy becoming a pirate king / land tycoon in Detroit with the profit they turned to attend the cup finals with Person B.
Exactly! I see this as falling into the "tough shit" category for the seller. If you want to make your money on the sale of tickets, then don't fuck up in your posting. This may be my OCD talking, but if the hit you're gonna take from screwing up the decimal point is going to cause you to complain to Stubhub about the…
Hockey goalie from childhood through college here; the header save isn't something you learn. Given the point of origin for shots in hockey is exactly the opposite as that for lacrosse (if they're shooting overhand), the bigger concern and fear to overcome was the shot to the nuts. I was taught to 'lead' all my saves…
Couldn't all this Heads Up tackling nonsense be summarily dismissed by looking at the relative rates of concussions between offensive and defensive players (i.e., tacklers vs. tacklees)? This method seems to be of the mind that the tacklers are getting the brunt of the punishment, but I'm not sure if that's true. At…
I love my girlfriend, and I love sandwiches, but I'm just too particular to let the fate of a potentially delicious sandwich rest in anyone else's hands but my own. It's just too much pressure.
Ultimately, all fans would be supporting teams that suck and that they expect to suck, and just wait it out until they get better. Like the Islanders! Ya gotta respect Isles fans, who've put up with bad teams and moronic ownership and GM work. I'm happy they have a legitimate force for the foreseeable future in…
I don't want to be labelled a "back in my day" NHL fan, being only in my late-20s, but a lot of my negative feelings of fan bases come from the fans since "The New NHL" has been a thing. Coincidentally, the league changed around the same time that the Caps drafted Ovechkin and got markedly better.
A shakeup certainly needs to happen the exorcise some of the demons in the franchise, but a lot of it seems to be between their ears and I'm not sure how you fix that. A big player personnel move in the off season might show the team that the culture needs to change. I'll admit to not knowing much about their farm…
And who do you suggest they pick up that will be a better 'tender than Fleury? A goalie is only as good as the defense in front of him. Every 'tender gives up a fluky goal once in awhile, but when you've got pylons in front of you, the other team is going to score eventually.
Two pieces of Wonder in the toaster, a little butter when they come out, flap 2 slices of hermetically sealed cheese in between, microwave for 15 seconds. No pans or self respect required, and it tastes like the empty promises of a better tomorrow. Welcome to advanced education.
Not trolling, but can anyone explain the new rule to avoid home plate collisions to me? I thought the catcher couldn't block the plate until they received the ball, but it looked like Saltalamacchia was planted in the base path immediately after contact and stayed with his foot in front of the plate until the out.…
Heretofore, I suggest we refer to Tanaka's splitter as the Dim Mak, capable of breaking the bottom brick! The brick in this case being the Cubs, as they tend to not hit back.
NO ONE CORRECTS!! They pull into a spot and throw it in park after the first shot. There's apparently no time to readjust and square themselves.
I needed a new user name so bad!!