
I don't think you get it. Kojima thinks the open world character of GTA5 is awesome. Stealth games can play out in open worlds. I think what he's trying to say is that he wants to create a world as open as GTA5's, but with stealth.

So Sony forcing PSN on you and keeping online codes going is a choice of freedom? They're just a generation behind. Enjoy your last 4-5years of disc based gaming. By the end of this cycle, most will purchase digitally. At least Microsoft was trying to put a system in place to allow you to trade/sell digital versions.

I don't think Moneysaver knew about that crazy sale on XBOX Live. Today is the last day, and Tomb Raider is still up there for $19.99.

Except you are cutting out a chunk of the market because of fanboyism.

Not exactly a great way to run a business.

That's horseshit. MS was trying to "advance gaming" with their One policies. There is a positive and negative side to everything. Pointing out the negatives to DLC doesn't mean he's trying to fight change.

I agree. I think it's either the idea of playing Mechs or nostalgia for the old CoD4 team that gets people excited. I'm glad Destiny is coming out cuz it makes the switch from the Xbox to the PS4 much easier.

theres no way the guy in second place scored a blue shel la red one if hes lucky but he probs got a green or a banana :/

I haven't yet had any coffee this morning.

"You shoulda backed me up back there Lee! Now I got a blue shell for you!"

Here is the thing.
People complain about Nintendo using the big three IPs to move sales.
People demand that Nintendo make new IP's.
This comes from gaming journalists and gamers alike.
Nintendo comes out with Wonderful 101. New IP under Nintendo, everyone says it's not enough to get a WiiU.
Pikmin comes out. Hasn't had a

You must be new here ...

Huh. I didn't realise there were so many lawyers posting on Kotaku.

Can we please not bash this guy until he is proven guilty in court? Please remember that being charged with a crime is not the same as actually committing that crime. Maybe he's guilty, but maybe he's not. And until he is convicted, he is presumed innocent. I find it unfortunate that Precursor Games forgot that.

So what happens if im chatting with a few friends talking about colombine and i say " yeah its fucked up.but who hasnt had a really bad day and wanted to take some people out?" If sombody walking by heard me say that i should be in trouble? People should be able to say whatever they want as long as they dont carry out

Freedom of speech allows us to do so. The police state is again over stepping its bounds.

Having worked with those addicted to substances, and having spent many years doing volunteer work with harm minimization groups, I definitely appreciate what you're trying to say, and it's certainly a worthy point to raise.

"there are just as many amazing indie games on 3ds as there are on Sony Platforms"

Actual game play!

Good post, but one quick point. Retro is wholly owned by Nintendo, it is not a third party, but one of their many first party studios.

Ocarina of Time was a far better choice to port than Mario 64.