
Purchase hardware before people can actually try and share their informed opinions...especially from a company who regularly abandons their overly expensive and half baked hardware? No thanks lol. In no rush to sit around and beg Valve to be their beta tester.

Yes these people are engaging in unfortunate behavior. But what’s also telling is the amount of people here who have so much contempt and have taken so much personal offense over...pokemon cards. The fact that this story is getting so much attention kinda proves the scalpers right.

Depends on the holo. I’m gonna go ahead and guess you don’t know what you’re talking about lol. 1dt edition Charizards have increased since day 1, years and years before being a YouTuber was a thing.

You’re an idiot lol

Not one? What about the guy holding the camera literally changing his mind in real time? Conveniently ignoring the fact you came here to post about not existing 😂👍

Once again you're blaming the individuals when you should be blaming the system.

Scalping pokemon cards is hardly a monstrous action. Get over yourself dude.

It seems like you want them to go to jail because they annoy you. However that wouldn’t solve the problem. It starts with the people making and selling it, no? Everyone wants to bring up systemic issues until it comes to people they personally don’t like.

only white people though, surprised Kotaku hasnt ripped t his a new one yet

very much disagree, stealth is a necessity unless you are playing it on easy, in which case, what’s the point in playing a gritty game like this but I digress.

weapons and ammo are extremely limited. so for medium and above, running around like an action hero isn’t going to get you far.

Polygon and Kotaku are carbon copies of one another. That’s like saying “that’s true because Breitbart AND Fox News agrees!”

i LoUv aNiMaL cRoSsInG cUz It No HaVe ViOlEnCe

it’s really sad the amount of focus you guys are putting on this one aspect. Even if it’s a negative aspect, it shouldn’t encapsulate the entire review. 10% of this review actual regards mechanics and the bulk of the experience. This myopic focus is bona fide libtard garbage (and I hate Trump and his supports’ overuse

that’s pretty condescending towards other outlets who try to review it more objectively. It’s like if I hated violence and then had you trust my review of horror movies. If I’m already adverse to it, I’m already inclined to dislike it. Hell, might as well have grandmas review every video game and base it off their

Really? You didnt expect Kotaku to take a sensationalist approach to reviews in order to garner the social media attention they are desperate for? Hmm, guess we all take away different things.

that doesn’t make the game bad. In 10 years will this review be looked back on and seen as “objective”? I don’t think so.

Confusing comment. The question implies that you have to be a cop in order to understand the violence happening today...

But why is the reviewer implying the game is not good? Separete emotions from objective achievement. Idk why in here asking this on Kotaku of all places lmao. Emotions are king here. 

So you’re agreeing they should be judging a game based on the time it’s released in? That’s unfair. And you could try and maybe separate fiction from reality. You all are gong to look back at this review in 5 or 10 years and realize how ridiculous you sound.

“this game doesn’t respect my feminism because Ellie is mean and not an upstanding citizen. Great script, acting, and game play though. 0/10"