
Yeah, I mean, you do have to be stealthy a good portion of the time, but I just didn’t feel it was because the stealth was good. It was just that: you’d run out of bullets.

But boy howdy, if you’re stuck and annoyed, and you have some bullets and molotovs, go to freaking town. A lot of times, it’s the solution to the

Okay, I had the opposite experience with TLOU. I wasn’t being stealthy enough and kept running out of resources. The game clicked for me once I committed to being stealthy. Either way, I agree that the gameplay is not the strongest part of the game. It was the characters that really did it for me.

I don’t know about that. This review feels distinctly Kotaku for me. They tend to focus much more on the experience of playing a game and explore the themes and ideas presented. There are plenty of other major outlets the will take the approach of a bullet list of features and ignore issues of tone and messaging.

The Last of Us II’s amount of cruelty and violence ultimately overwhelmed any chance of that relatability here.

Additionally, I as a former designer can see it being designed to avoid people awkwardly just phasing into existence.

The issue is that everyone,  not just the person coming in, sees the cutscense of someone entering and leaving. There is no reason why the people who are already on the island should be forced to see these unless they want to. They have already loaded all the relevant data.

Nintendo just SUCKS at online. Everything about it is so counterintuitive.


I have a near launch PS4 controller still and while it still works its battery life kind of sucks. While I have an old Xbox 360 controller I still use for my PC and it's great once I replace its batteries.  I'd much prefer the option to do the same with my PS4 controller.

Is Sony guaranteeing their rechargeable battery capacity will NEVER diminish over time? Is the battery easily replaceable, if at all? Will Sony to make replacement batteries? Is there the usual battery rhetoric (damage, fire, castration, etc) about 3rd party accessories (like some unknown brand like Sonee)

That’s honestly the gist of the kind of articles Grayson writes here. The subject has unfailingly always been about attractive female streamers, and he’s putting the spotlight on them. It comes across as him doing it to get the attention or get into the good graces of these streamers, and combined with creepy stories

While “OK Boomer Girl” blew up on Twitter, Biden went on to win states he didn’t even campaign in with 1/3rd of the funds Bernie raised. And the youth turonout this primary season has been dismal.

A hard lesson in how preening for fake internet points doesn’t actually win you anything in reality. 

Microsoft is masquerading their cost saving choice under the guise of liberation. Just include the xbox branded rechargable battery back and let people use that or their own AA batteries.

“He’s without a doubt motivated new generations of voters”

I clicked for boobs. I watched the clips for boobs. I did not read a fucking bit of it because words are not boobs. Is this the girl who started “Ok Boomer”? If so, this is not the path I would have taken afterwards, but whatever.

Yeah I’m 29 and now officially have no idea what is going on. I mean, other than the bascis of “people like to watch hot people do stuff”. That will never go out of style.

she needed to put something up on TikTok that day”

“Perfect Storm”—- Ohhhkk. Whatever you want to call your cleavage. Good on her for keeping up the momentum, but a spade is a spade.

I’m officially too old to “get” streamer culture. Like I get it, but I don’t “get” it. 

Attractive person has a viral hit on a social media platform, news at 11.

I dunno, maybe it’s just me, but it seems her rise in popularity may have been attributable to something other than ‘OK Boomer’. YMMV