
Kotaku is not a fucking journalism outlet. It’s whatever you would call TMZ or FOX News. THat’s why actual reporters are leaving. Multimillion dollar outlets like Gawker blaming failures on capitalism LOLOLOLOL

“journalism” LOL that’s a low bar

Why “definitely” when you don’t even know the quality of the game? Good god grannies fan boys. These ips aren’t your family. They don’t exist to make you happy or be good. They exist to take your money . of duty modern warfare?

Nice, but I'm kinda hardened in my stance to never buy early access

An adjunct "ethics" expert talking about Loom and nothing much else in Lifehacker. And Gawker wonders why the likes of Jason Shreier left. 

It’s almost as if Kotaku's only reporter who writes things that are actually interesting has left or something 😂

Kotaku is a cesspool of toxic political narratives under the guise of video game coverage; likewise Gawker is the same under the guise of journalism. Good for you. Literally no reason left for me to visit this site.

Yeah Im guessing you havent played the game, or at least online. Please dont talk about things you havent experienced thx

THat guy’s pretending that Nintendo does an amazing job fixing complaints when it comes to online interactivity xD has he been under a rock or what?

From the fact that the initial loading screen takes less time than the cutscene; that there are no cutscenes like that when visiting Harv’s or other random islands with Nook Miles Ticket; that Nintendo has a long history of convoluted multiplayer features (or lack of basic features) which have nothing to do with tech

It’s not loading anything...that’s what the travel sequence is for. THey don’t play that cutscene when I travel Harv’s or a random island, leading me to believe that this cutscene is not necessary. Heck, it takes longer than the initial load screen when you boot up the game.

Love how these media companies only talk about negative things in a game looong after it’s already made all its money and after praising it to the high heavens . Frauds. I called this out day one - where was Kotaku then?

Fascist fucks. Fuck Chinese government. 

A couple weeks?? What do you play, once week?

At 18w that isn't charging a single laptop...stop lying

At 18w that isn't charging a single laptop...stop lying

Kotaku in 2010: Games don’t cause violence!

Yet another corporation using the pandemic to market their product. Disgusting. 

Why do you care so much about missing out on stuff like this. FOMO is real. Stop being a slave to media. I cringed hard when I read that. 

Female human