
I love all these young do gooders who want to vote for Bernie because you all care about the world. Lol on tiktok worried about viewership while poor Indonesian babies starve to death. Privelaged kids telling everyone else to check their Privelaged. Fuckin proud to be a 32 yo boomer, this younger generation sucks

Yeah, it was media like Kotaku who got her here. 

Men liking nice pair of tits has to do with biology and evolution, not human social constructs like misogyny. This article is bs and so is your post

Hang a sign

If it's not a big deal then why did you write a story about it

Yet Blizzard still allows voice taunts and the like. Gotta love it. 

They just wanted an excuse to be in the news cycle, and Kotaku fell for it. Again. 

If it’s not worth getting upset over, then was it even worth changing in the first place? I think people are less upset with feature removed and more annoyed at the notion that they’re using resources to protect fragile feelings.

Another comment that doesn't break the rules, unapproved because the gatekeepers to opinions don't want all voices being heard. Yet they feel ght for free speech. Nazis did something similar. 

The vast minority of people actually care lmao. The circle jerk echochamber that Kotaku has created is one powerful force.

That's on you for taking it that way. It's clearly presented as a personal opinion. But of course, be offended. It's what you do best. 

I wonder how many were about to leave a negative comment until they saw that you're gay. No backbones here. 

Ironically this post triggered a bunch of people, go figure. 

“give time to think it over”

So you're saying they should change the name because it's lazy, not because there's a word in there that happened to be used against people centuries ago. I'm with you on that. It's offensive because it's corny lol. 

It’s in public but providing zero service. I'm sorry I'm not axing a word just because it was used meanly. I work in K-5 and if that was the norm, we'd run out of words. 

Wow, shut up. Stop shoehorning in white knite pieces.

That’s a bit naive. So your solution if anyone who critiques you is to simply give way and roll over so you don’t have to deal with it anymore? That's some weak minded horseshit tbh. Pretty sure that’s how Nazis were created lmao.

You can see the story on YouTube though. Or perhaps the game play is tough and the reward is uncovering more to the story. Perhaps difficulty is literally part of the story. Who knows! It's art, as Heather says, yet she feels that others should be listened to when these artists make their own art. It's a hypocritical

Yet you're here, reading and commenting on a Kotaku article lmfao