
That’s because these types of articles are written within an echochamber; no one is changing their minds because there are no minds to change. Kotaku continuously white knights for groups of people without actually affecting anyone. They’re getting you all outraged so they can get clicks. There’s no incentive for

Exactly. Tech and internet in general. Why does Kotaku keep shoehorning these incredibly global/general issues into video games. Oh right, outrage and clicks. Ironic, she says we need to grow up yet this article is an immature person kicking and screaming. 

That Forbes article is being taken out of context. Yes females are large in numbers within the military, but COMBAT, BOOTS ON THE GROUNDS FEMALES ARE A SMALL MINORITY. Context, people.

You're right, I'd totally fuck the shit out of her

I love how comments like these aren’t being approved. They want their propaganda message out there without any rebuttals. They only approve rebuttals from morons so that they can seem more correct. Hate this fuckin site why am I even here. Oh right, shameless click bait got me flustered.

Proven? By whom? A game developer I assume.

The grand majority of these civil rights champions (friggin /s) don’t even care about they game, just the social aspect. Highly doubt those people would actually purchase the game afterward. Maybe one. But certainly not enough to justify the money and time investment. 

And that is a subjective statement. But of course you write for Kotaku, you don't need to explain any of your views, I already know all the mainstream ones. 

Female representatation? Fine. Equal representation? In war? Sorry, you’re living in a different reality than I am. Once women take half of the most dangerous jobs in the world, then there's a point to be made. Until then, "equal representation" of genders in warfare is a ridiculous and unrealistic expectation. 

Ironically the only time I tell a woman in gaming journalism to shut the heck up is when they write stuff like this.

This post is more about yourself than her..

Why are we a singling out gaming? It's across the board. 

Try doing this: not reading or caring about inevitable mean randoms on the internet.

Please realize you’re kicking off the negative vibe by bringing it to light. “go be an asshole somewhere else” before anyone says anything implies you’re looking for negativity before it even appears. Get off your high horse buddy. I was going to post a short nice thing about her but I saw your post.

So what did you play with this year?

I absolutely love this entry’s campaign and multiplayer, gameplay, sound design, map design. Adore it.

“This could be a glitch, or maybe it’s a way to entice more spending”

How can you watch the vidoes above and think it's fair? Nostalgic rose tinted glasses 

A state of emergency needs to be called over this damned nap

“Racism, sexism, and harassment” literally exists everywhere. What it specifically has to do with video games, i have no idea.