
My main gripe is that we all collectively still call it an Afghan and Iraq "war." it's not a war. What we are doing is illegal under American law - Congress has to - HAS TO - officially declare war for there to be a war. There has been no such declaration. And we wonder why the world hates us when we even break our

like others have said, unless he actually does something with the domain, which he hasn't, then he will lose the court battle. which is why they waited until now to even try and is also why if MS offered any money, it wouldn't have been much since he has no leverage. offering money only saves time.

This should be the case. I play both so good news all around.

Most people dont have a high spec pc. And those that do spent more than 600 on it. In any case, these new consoles will raise the bar for pc games, as they wont be also making the game for an 8 year old console.

"It’s therefore likely that publishers, as we know them now, will soon no longer be relevant..." Before I got to this part, the whole rest of the time I was reading, my mind kept thinking: why don't we just get rid of the publishers altogether?

I dunno. He comes off sounding more smug than charming. The "You're entirely right, but I'm gonna keep on doing it anyway" type of jester.

If you bought a Wii U to play these games, you're doing it wrong. Very wrong. I never once, even prior to purchasing my Wii U, expected to play Unreal 4 games. That would simply be a stupid thought. Do you morons EVER learn? Ever? The 3DS and Wii were the least powerful systems compared to competition and - low and