
“of every type" jesuschrist lol

Cuck it up babe

In this game, there shouldn’t be a single crappy weapon. No one said they should all be amazing. You projected that.

Award winning reporting 🤣

Oh grow up. You know how many hilariously jacked males I’ve had to look at as a boy and up to today? Sorry, but females arent the only ones being manipulated in regards to body imagery.

that’s why youre sticking around at Gawker, where you can predict how many upvotes you get by saying a particular thing. Of course when you’re in this echochamber, nothing is an opinion.

typical pseudo journalism. when you go in there assuming you’re going to get a juicy story, that’s all your eyes will ever see. Anecdotal evidence; opinions. This is a blog entry, not a news report, as much as Kotaku might like it to be.

why do you only offer deals that are heavily marketed towards women?

why do you only offer deals that are heavily marketed towards women?

how much was Gawker paid to create this GIF for the manufacturer?

how much was Gawker paid to create this GIF for the manufacturer?

are you informing us of deals or are you blatantly advertising these products? The line is so blurred that I dont trust your words one bit. Sorry hope you understand. Just using common sense

are you informing us of deals or are you blatantly advertising these products? The line is so blurred that I dont

the lack of male representation in this ad is deplorable. I guess young women are turning conservative more and more

the lack of male representation in this ad is deplorable. I guess young women are turning conservative more and more

“It’s a first world problem, but I hate waiting for my Xbox One controller to turn on and sync to the console just to pause a Netflix video.”

“It’s a first world problem, but I hate waiting for my Xbox One controller to turn on and sync to the console just

even the average black person might think there werent black people in 1300s Bohemia...can we stop pretending that this is common knowledge and that people are bigotted for not knowing it? I mean unless you are a history scholar or watched all of SHakespear’s stuff, I wouldnt expect the average person to know that

seems like editors go in to Kotaku all bright and starry-eyed, ready to discuss video games, and they come out on the other end as rhetoric-spewing, half-baked politics.

i love how you pretend that this game is $30 more often than it’s MSRP

i love how you pretend that this game is $30 more often than it’s MSRP

You missed the part about how Xbox One/S/X grant noticeable improvements in graphics and fps!

what about Best Buy? not enough kickbacks?

what about Best Buy? not enough kickbacks?

Best Buy has a better offer. Why doesn’t Gawker inform us of that?

Best Buy has a better offer. Why doesn’t Gawker inform us of that?

If someone told me a 12 year old wrote this article and I would have believed it

I’ve It absolutely is not. Or maybe I’ve outgrown 19 year old-created memes