I’m sorry...”leader of the free world?” Germany is nice and so are many of the people but if you knew anything about it Germany is far from “free”
I’m sorry...”leader of the free world?” Germany is nice and so are many of the people but if you knew anything about it Germany is far from “free”
hopefully you can tell the difference between a screen name and a fucking legal name you moron
“and wondering why he’s yet another character with his titty out.”
Scoutsknives was my adolescence.
We understand, we just don’t care.
And once again, no one gives a shit.
that may be because gfx manufacturers are trying to hit that medium setting, wherein you get the best performance-per-quality. This makes it such that medium settings still look amazing. It used to be that high settings were the target, therefore anyone running medium/low settings would see a blatant hit.
why was this reposted to a video game blog...god damn is Gawker trying to shoehorn in clicks or what
While I agree adjustment is necessary, eventually they have to stop changing things. I mean, what if the MLB changed the size and weight of the baseball every single season?
“Scary”? Dude. It’s a fucking video game. That they control the rights to. If it truly got out of hand, that’s what class action suits are for. Until then, trust that one of the best game makers in the world is making decisions for the sake of the integrity if the game, not your personal happiness.
With that suggestion you are already a better developer than those who made this buggy asset flipping game.
I’m sorry, but as someone who’s played H1Z1 for a hundred hours, this game is in no way relevant to the term “e-sports”. Whether I die soon or make it to the top 5 solely depends on how patient I am with camping (aka how long can I not be bored waiting around). If I were playing for money, I’d just sit in a bathroom…
yet you contradict that narrative with this very article.
unwarranted? He broke a fundamental, unspoken rule in journalism. when you piss off a company and they get mad, dont be surprised
Jason, the grand majority of Kotaku readers might not see it, but I do. Ultimately, and in true Gawker fashion, you WANT this controversy. You WANT to be hated on and smeared by anyone popular enough to garner headlines. You screwed over Bethesda, faced consequences, and then cranked the controversy up to 11. Gawker…
and that’s why shipping is ridiculous. paying twice as much as it should be in order to ship air.
$6 shipping? 33% of the total price? dudes, get fucked lol
Maybe play games that adults tend to play, and not teens? Idk, Overwatch seems to have a ton more adults than kids.