
Shutting yourself out due to a very very small vocal minority is cowardice. Can we stop applying a few examples as the standard? The internet has made this too easy to do and it’s a shame.

Shutting yourself out due to a very very small vocal minority is cowardice. Can we stop applying a few examples as the standard? The internet has made this too easy to do and it’s a shame.

Since the announcement of the PS4, Sony has made it a habit of publicly criticizing shady business practices only to turn around and do it themselves, sometimes to a worse degree (see: malfunctioning launch consoles; paying to play online; exclusive content)

The most annoying thing is that they charge more for doing a small fraction of the work as it took to make the original maps.

Like 50 all women colleges in the US.

Every time I think about being a pro gamer, I think about how it would probably make me not enjoy video fuck no

Inb4 keza MacDonald comments about how anti feminist this is.

Christ, a controversy within a controversy. Does it ever end

Adults are on your side more often than not, especially us younger ones who have been more exposed to autism. I’ve worked with low and high functioning special needs alike. As far as autism goes, I just think of them as “odd” in a traditional sense. All other things - desires, feelings, emotioms - are perfectly

We actually just started a gaming center for high functioning special needs like autism and Downs syndrome because it offers the perfect balance between isolation and socialization.

you should be shot for even humoring this fucking thing.

but when the other 5 players are also dying a lot? Hard to support noobs.

agreed. many Mercy players play as if she has no gun. Like DVas pistol, it’s very underestimated

maybe more people should just start fucking healing

I’d take snipper clips over Wii Party U price be damned

truly pathetic

so rather than patch it in as a reputable publisher would, they make us buy a $60 glorified patch

you’d be ridiculous to be willing to spend money on a launch console but not something to protect it properly

or the equally annoying MERCY NEVER FUCKING HEALS YOU or Lucio puts up speed boost when clearly everyone is below 50%

This is the difference between myself and the liberal media/Gawker crowd: while we both agree YouTube is doing horrible by the people that make them popular in the first place, I can’t blindly jump right into “organize and make laws!!”