
Always hated how games like Overwatch and RL handle competitive ranking.

any excuse to shoehorn in propaganda into a video game blog, I guess

Finally, the proper usage of the term “class” in the context of a society, unlike most people in this country who think they are part of some “class”

That Guerdo joke almost made it all the way - it needed to have Link explicitly change right in front of her, then it would catch the true essence of the joke

Sexist women who judge people based on sex and appearance? Good thing that only happens in fiction 😂😂 🤔🤔 😂😂

People are pretty damn great to play with sometimes. Many times I end up joining into a preexisting group

Would prefer a more comprehensive replay in the vein of ESPN. This is just lazy amateur blog shit

^ predictable Gawker apologist comment. Expected. Empty and devoid of logic. Full of anger and finger pointing and “’deal with it’ logic”

Would you not find it stupid to find that someone keeps posting baseball gifs on a basketball forum? What’s the point of it being a video game blog if video games are 50% of the content? Would you think it’s a good idea to include SAW in a list of comedy movies? Did the concept of categorizing disappear with the new

Literally admits it’s not a deal, proceeds to post it anyway. Do you guys have any pride? Shame?

Literally admits it’s not a deal, proceeds to post it anyway. Do you guys have any pride? Shame?

They’ve been dreadful with this as of late. They need to be more subtle in how they shoehorn in their propaganda. Their agenda/bias is blatantly obvious and bound to have an adverse effect (see: the election of Donald Trump)

I don’t buy stuff based on its racial or sexual implications - that’s called discrimination.

This game ain’t worth a dime in its fucked up state

This game ain’t worth a dime in its fucked up state

apparently Kotaku only likes to talk about off t opic things if it has to do with race

Youtube has become just another mainstream TV network who rolls over for advertisers. Wish society would balance ethics and revenue. Even the all righteous all liberal Google isn’t immune to corporate bigotry.

by that logic, you must’ve found “black Annie” as racist because a white girl should never be played by a black girl.

a half-hearted “me-too!” remake is a surprising dissappointment? Come on you should know better

why is this on the Kotaku VIDEO GAME site?

this belongs on someone’s Tumblr blog roll