
Gawker: The Game

One is blatantly fake while the other is technically true but is exaggerated and misrepresented, especially in the headline, for clicks. Different, but equally deplorable.

But fake news thrives on the concept of clickbait. It’s the same in my eyes.

The fact that so many here seem to think that fake news is only something that affects the right is very disturbing. It affects each side evenly and when it comes to the more highly educated left, it’s even more depressing because you’d think they wouldn’t get affected.

It’s almost 5:30 PM and Binding of Isaac has only been mentioned ONCE today? Unprecedented! Seriously, for the love of god, make an original game. He’s been milking this more than MS has been milking Minecraft

Headline implies there are non-holographic variants of Zapdos...aren’t they only holographic?

Many Republicans voted against the bill, so let’s stop pretending the Democrats “won.” The bill died by a bipartisan effort (both dems and reps agreed it was a bad bill)

All of your words reflect my thoughts.

Don’t forget the ridiculous shortage of New 3ds Xls and New3ds exclusive games like Xenoblade and Binding of Isaac. Also how do you poorly stock pro controllers? Highly doubt it’s in high demand at that price.

The more I read Kotaku and Kotaku readers’ opinions on the issue (even JonTron’s thing for that matter), the more I’m convinced that the grande majority of you barely have any context; it’s as if you have never watched the videos or taken the source material (pewdiepie’s words himself, not out of context in a reddit

So then why continue to post tabloid garbage?

Jerk each other off much?

Funny you only thank her for the opinions that solely contribute to your personal viewpoints.

And I would like to remind others that you should probably consider the source material rather than solely consider Jafari’s lazy, predictable interpretation.

Rigjt. But again, someone being an asshole outside of the workplace doesn’t mean they should be fired from said workplace. To each his own, but we’re more than allowed to disagree with the move.

Why does it remind you of that? Because of what he said or BECAUSE OF WHAT ANOTHER PERSON ON YOUTUBE said he said?

Apparently we can’t work with people who hold different opinions.

no one forced them into working for a bad employer. If you decide to apply for a AAA dev job, you should be educated on what that entails: crunch time, et al. Indie startups are viable option these days, if you have the talent.

and the women in my life self-admittedly tend to manage time poorly