
meh, i’m never concerned with a vocal minority. Gawker obsesses over them, though. Because *outrage grrrr* and clicks

She fucked up and should be called out. End of story. SMall minority were horrible, but that comes with the internet. Report on the sky being blue next.

...then don’t buy it. case closed. is this seriously an article that someone got paid to write?

I know many people like you - people who think since they’ve been super religious and conservative, and now that they’ve “been enlightened,” they have the right to tell everyone else what’s good and holy.

and what does this have to do with video games, exactly? this is a political discussion, and no amount of shoehorning or strawmanning can erase that

and thank you for perpetuating what has become the Buzzfeed of gaming media

YouTubers like JonTron are direct competition to Kotaku, therefore there’s an inherent economic incentive to bring him down. Just sayin.

it’s pretty gross that Kotaku finds this to be newsworthy

“You doth protest to much”

Glaring patterns? You found a pattern in one comment with a few sentences? Usually patterns are noticed after reviewing multiple data points. Unless you pored through his entire comment history, of course.

They should keep out unless they are here to protect natural rights. Self repairing YOUR console is a right and government should be able to protect that right.

While I agree we all should have the right to self repair, I am VEHEMENTLY against forcing companies to raise their costs (manuals, repair, increased shipping costs) solely to benefit competition.

Implying what? That only white people like mayonnaise?

Because using a preexisting meme is so much more genuine.

People who accuse others of being racist do so because the accusers make assumptions based upon race i.e. “only black people say homie”

I wasn’t aware that we knew the race of the commenter. Those psychic abilities!

I’m sorry, I’m not familiar with that term. Literally the first time I’ve heard it. Lemme research...

There’s only one drug I use to enhance my gaming experience but unlike these drugs, I can grow mine in the ground.

No because if they were bunnies there’d be eyes and a mouth