
Because it’s not typical white bread as it’s made with rice and not wheat. It’s gluten free bread here.

It’s basically just gluten free bread here in the US

Brians been to Japan and the US and thinks he knows where the best bread is rofl

Yay...? U bored over there?

Beseige and Minecraft are still staples for many schools

But you’re reading The Root. All you have to do is say “women are stinky!” And you’ll have a headline of your very own in no time

Because you need “approval” by the community to be heard? So much for respecting individual speech.

What’s with the hate towards his comment? Friends holding you back? Don’t fight a person who’s not fighting? How are these things to dislike? Very confused, legitimately

If the victim was white, this wouldn’t be reported on here. And if it was, it would be making light of it or making justifications

Really? This vanilla pandering is the worst tweet? Oh right because when it comes to women’s issues, all other issues can take a back seat, right? Fucking Gawker

A reputable media site would’ve included the pic of the tweet, you know, as evidence and a source and stuff

Please stop lumping in Trump with true Republican values, like states rights. You’re an ignoramus if you think Trump administration supports stuff like that. 

So you have to pay for the thing you win? This gets dumber by the detail

I guess I’m officially an old man gamer. Because this is juvenile as hell.

Pretty sure on a list of bread-centric countries, Japan is near the bottom. France is where you want to go for that. In Japan it’s probably just all rice bread

Banning people for using something BLIZZARD created and there aren’t even rules banning it...and it’s about fucking cosmetic items (not even cheating). Get bent Nathan

Nathan doesn’t understand the line between “abuse” and “taking advantage”. Not always the same at all

Ban people for using tools that were given to them? Blizzard can easily change the rules

Oh so THAT’S where the $80 went

do you know how many liberals would be up in arms over a guy posting about wanting the “Hot Chun li”