
Gamers dont like League of Legends. Only League of Legends players like League of Legends. Is this or League of Legends dot com?

I love how agile Kirby is in versatile

Author implies that those amazon echo features are brand new. My Google Home does the exact same things with Spotify. To not even mention Google Home is very shortsighted.

No to the Die Hard series. Apparently Live Free or Die Hard is the theatrical release, despite the product page saying literally the opposite.

No to the Die Hard series. Apparently Live Free or Die Hard is the theatrical release, despite the product page

Looks like a great set of tools for any average Joe homeowner. I have tools of these types already but would love it all in one neat case like this

Looks like a great set of tools for any average Joe homeowner. I have tools of these types already but would love it

Depressing that your comment got 5x the amount of upvotes when it’s not practical or relevant at all.

Depressing that your comment got 5x the amount of upvotes when it’s not practical or relevant at all.

$3 off a cat tree? Seriously, Shep?

$3 off a cat tree? Seriously, Shep?

So, 3ds release would be more fitting. Switch is for home games on the go, while 3ds is literally for portable gaming

Why foes Kotaku seem to either gush over or completely ignore indie games? Wish you would pay equal attention to as many as possible. You couldn’t shut up about this game until its release, where you give it basically a “good”

so? because the majority doesnt agree, his opinion is automatically invalid? what was the point of even saying that? and why did it earn twice as many upvotes? oh right, Gawker culture.

half of these clips are crap and have no place here

so much cringe

they’re still trying to market these? Gawker getting paid to do some dirty work

they’re still trying to market these? Gawker getting paid to do some dirty work

but then they had to use more paper and ink...

totally forgot about this. i really hope they keep this going

Sorry but just because you personally view it as a handheld in no way means that should be the ultimate initiative for a company who has different priorities than you

all for it so long as they keep that artwork theme going

exactly. Nintendo makes a common sense marketing 101 decision and OF COURSE left media finds a way to complain.

Overwatch is also $40 at Target but since they apparently don’t give you the $kickback$ that Amazon does, fuck em, right? I mean why bother properly informing your readers if you aren’t going to be paid for it?

Overwatch is also $40 at Target but since they apparently don’t give you the $kickback$ that Amazon does, fuck em,

Sexist pigs!