

Media outlets are embargoed from talking about an embargo. Media truly bends over for the corporation they cover. No different from mainstream media, really.

Then I’m embargoing their console until their embargo ends :) no more paying upfront for things that I don’t even fully understand.

It’s because it was used during the Renaissance period and perhaps you hang around a lot of hipster forums.

to be fair, his dickish opinion seems to be much more informed

“He had a criticism of media...what a free speech-hating nazi!”

“I made a point that the media takes things out of context...they take that, then put that out of context to use against me.”

Funny how you didn’t include the MOST IMPORTANT PART in the video: his criticism of media (e.g. Kotaku) and their hatred of him. I think the twisted headline (meant for us to say “OMG he slammed the PSJ? SHAME!”) goes to prove his point.

Funny how you didn’t include the MOST IMPORTANT PART in the video: his criticism of media (e.g. Kotaku) and their hatred of him. I think the twisted headline (meant for us to say “OMG he slammed the PSJ? SHAME!”) goes to prove his point.

yeah, I’m totally sure this was an “accident” ...please lol

did you watch the video? note any context? or did you just read this one article and conjure up an informed opinion?

Wisconsin would like to have a word with you

Getting the full, real story from Kotaku is like getting it out of a toddler. They just can’t help but fabricate and/or omit. Sorry, not just Kotaku - Gawker as a whole.

Funny how Kotaku willingly excluded the quotes from him turning himself around and making fruitful, positive tweets and other quotes. While that in no way excuses his words, Kotaku has an obligation to give us the whole story and let us decide for ourselves.

How does one kill something that’s already dead?

Pay $400 to “try” VR? I’m interested in it for PC but for PSVR I didn’t need to look any further than let’s play videos to see the shoddy resolution and framerates. Turned me right the hell off. Too bad on PC there’s nothing but glorified student projects. And the thing costs like $1000 after alls said and done

And this is why no one takes feminism seriously anymore lol

I just barfed up my breakfast, thanks Kotaku.

typical comment here:

the violence is what’s in question, not ethnic cleansing. so much hyperbole and not enough honest discussion. disgusting that you imply that he’s pro-ethnic cleansing. cant you just lay down the insults for just a moment and listen and consider things that might seem crazy to you at first?