
You crazy leftists and conservatives just dont get it - just because A does something does not make B doing it acceptable. Where are your mothers?

violence is OK! except if I have to do it.

ah, resorting to calling someone a nazi in lieu of intelligent rebuttal. classic radical liberalism. classic liberal debating.

^ completely agreed. you cant just force a private entity to spend unlimited amounts of money for your peace of mind. dont go there, then.

they do provide a safe environment. her implication is that they arent doing enough...for her. why is she so special that the place should spend more money to make her feel better? she needs to take some personal responsibility.

for the love of god kotaku, why do you have to shoehorn every story in here that mildly has to do with gaming.

i agree but you also sound like an idiot for making pro smahs players into gods. they’re good at a video game dude.


salesmen shep selling us snake oil

salesmen shep selling us snake oil

but if it’s freeware, who’s responsible? no one is making a profit off of it so it’s hard to get anyone in trouble. You cant just press an internet delete button, Beyonce.

thanks for telling us what the price is...???

thanks for telling us what the price is...???

you find t hat OK? I dont. Sorry but if you go to a country to take advantage of their resources (who wouldnt want to do that), and do it for almost two decades, you live there. Can’t take advantage and then when shit hits the fan back up and say “no no noI’m not American.”

i don’t. and if he was...i mean, he was the one who brought it up right? what made him think of it? There must be some truth to it, then.

I just barfed all over my computer screen. This story is such a cry for attention. I get it. Trump is doing it very wrong. But white guilt media people need to stop creating a sad novel every time we see a middle Eastern person and here “Trump” simultaneously

you went full “Hulk mode” unable to create an interesting response and instead resort to pure rage.

seriously. I always go back to their lamest story where they shoehorned in gaming. There was tenant who murdered another in the same complex. The reason? Music was too loud. WHat does this have to do with gaming you ask?

but the people you spoke to were all the vocal minority...that’s exactly what vocal minorities do - they gather in one spot and make it seem like it’s the mainstream.

“A job is a job is a job.” No it is not. Not to our entire economy it isn’t.

I so badly want this for my NES Class...oh wait I mean Raspberry Pi 3 super mega versatile emulation console. This looks the 360/one controller but this seems more compact and fit for retro titles.