
those puppies are way to large and un-puppy-like to be here! did they take roids?

Gamestop is shady? NO WAY! NEWS TO ME!!!

I believe their claim that they did not want to make light of it nor commercialize it and that they wanted the reality of it to set in. But good move in getting rid of it. This is a positive story to me. They had a legit claim, so did the public, and they hashed it out.

Why have an inflated marketing budget when the likes of Reddit and NEOgaf and IGN and retailers do all the work for you?

There’s probably tons of people who only know it by its nickname. I don’t subscribe to that “to stir up controversy” theory. Usually with Gawker I would though lol.

Make a backup, or download the iso

...ROMs? I mean, ps3 games are a big deal today because of size but you have to easily predict that in 5 years we’ll have lite weight ps3 emulators.

Also thought you should know that because of the BS you pull, if I do end up finding an adequate deal, I make sure to bypass your rerouting link by simply searching for the product on the site itself.

Also thought you should know that because of the BS you pull, if I do end up finding an adequate deal, I make sure

How can we trust your information when the intent for Gawker is to gain the most money from clicks?

How can we trust your information when the intent for Gawker is to gain the most money from clicks?

It’s usually $300. $30 off of $300, 10%, is pretty great but I would hardly call it a “crazy deal”. Call me when it’s closer to $200 than $300

It’s usually $300. $30 off of $300, 10%, is pretty great but I would hardly call it a “crazy deal”. Call me when

Once again, Jillian is wrong about price history those enloop rechargeable batteries (pack of 8) were $15 in Aug 2016, according to,, and my Amazon orders list.

Once again, Jillian is wrong about price history those enloop rechargeable batteries (pack of 8) were $15 in Aug

exactly. even in quickplay, I want to do well, unlike a game like BF where I just want to experience it more than win

there’s a reason there is ALWAYS A DVA on either team - she became WAY too powerful after her buff. I’ve been saying from the beginning that the shield was the only thing that shouldve changed. Seems theyve finally caught up to my idea. She’s far too powerful now, even against Mei

am i the only one who noticed that Brian deliberately left out “South” in the article title? Probably because he wants us to associate it with North Korea, because clickbait. Gawker is fucking shameful

Xcom 2 $12 with this month’s Humble Monthly. Canceled just after downloading the game. NEver played Xcom before but after seeing it on all the GOTY lists, I had to try it.

agreed. While there were great games, as there are every year, the only game that I found to truly push the industry in their respective genre forward was Overwatch alongside a few nifty indie ideas.

says “that’s highly subjective”

It’s always people like you who think of the controversy before any of the people who accuse do it. Hmmm makes ya think

Plenty of people donate to Locks of Love. But apparently if you also dressed up as a video game character once, you get an entire article written about you