
Ok Mr I-dont-like-them-therefore-they-should-not-exist

"all logic goes out the window."

Bringing Last Story and Xenoblade on Wii over here stateside. Seriously Owen, eat a bag

"An internet petition is worth the paper it is printed on" well once again 45 year old video game journalist, you're wrong. For example, if an INTERNET white house petition reaches 100k signatures, they must respond. So, id say a petition is worth as much as the amount of people who sign it. Man kotaku journalists

It's disgusting to me that "scientists" and "researchers" are given public funds to run studies no one asks for.

Are you new to gaming? New hardware rarely gets major releases right out of the gate. And they just announced a slew of first party games. What in the hell are you crying about again?

It doesn't need a Nintendo fanboy to prove him wrong - one only needs a brain and basic critical thinking skills

Well if you acknowledge that nsmb and original 3d Mario games like galaxy are two different franchises, then you're wrong. Wii only saw Mario galaxy 1 & 2. Two zeldas. Well, one exclusive to Wii. 4 gears of war. 4 halos. a AC and CoD annually. Three bioshock's. Need I continue? Singling out Nintendo is utter ignorance

Here's the thing - there's no franchise worth retiring because they're all solid

Next time include a link to the actual image. Why do kotaku editors refuse to do this?

This truly is a non story. If that's considered sexual harassment then, my god, has this country gone off the liberal deep end. Bet you the ass slapping thing happened once, possibly by accident, then turned into typical hyperbole by typical media. Good job kotaku

He already stated that he liked the direction this is going in...he's most likely referring to that. Bigot

Half life 3

Looks much better. Too bad the game itself is still crap.

Meh, enough trailers, enough media hype, enough. Just give me the game.

I'd say more 3d dot game heroes on ps3 by atlus.

So the fact that this almost about video games makes this a valid video game article? Christ Kotaku...come on now middle school journalism class is over. By reporting this you're doing more harm than good. Go talk about video games now.

Sad that IGN got the interview. Even worse Mcaffery got it - he is easily one of gaming's worst journalists. He's a paid fanboy.

Because he's the only guy who plays games there? I know he's labeled the chief gamer but he didn't earn that in a some gaming competition lol...his egotistical self did. And anyway, I wouldn't call someone who has missed the entireps3 library a "chief gamer" lol. Their standards must be pretty poor, then What would be

This comment is incredibly stupid. I really dont even need to explain why. It's a given.