
A CEO who is close minded? Shocker. As a business you need to diversify. Fuck your personal preferences.

Bet kotaku doesn't care to hear about Ms and Sony cafeteria. No no; it's much too easy to hate on Nintendo

Fucking boom. I've been saying this forever. I look at games like luigis mansion, project x zone, fire emblem, mighty switch force, mutant mudds, zombi u, and the like and wonder how in hell can someone say Nintendo only releases major first party games. It's just people loving to hate, pure and simple, and sadly

Microsoft owes it to devs like this who have gotten screwed over by ridiculous policies to put in a section within xbla that says "second chance spotlight" or something so games can be featured again, but this time the way it was meant to be.

I love how these days anyone who is skeptical about anything big - gov, corporations - is automically deemed some paranoid tin hat wearing fool. Seriously? Remember when the people who claimed the USA was spying on citizens were deemed paranoid? What about when W Bush called everyone a terrorist sympathizer when they

Oh yeah Patricia? Because walking dead 400 days dlc seemed like a cash grab. Terrible script, no character development. Shit conclusion.

As if you needed to give permission to correct you lol - first time here at Kotaku?

I'm just not on board with sony forcing us to pay for basic online play. They spent last generation bashing MS for doing it and now Sony has been caught with their feet in their mouths, along with their loyal fanboys, who somehow magically all of a sudden dont have any issue with it.

First couple were good. Most of these are dumb.

And American TV doesn't have any propaganda? Riiiight

Bit torrent it is then

thats like saying pressing R1 to fire is easy and lame, therefore first person shooters are easy and lame

speaking of...where's the review for 400 days? I beat it last night in like 2 hours, so I dont see how a video game website can't. Anyways, I'll save you all some time; it sucked. The interweaving stories is a cool idea but the characters never had a chance to develop and resonate wih me. That, and the script was god's this piracy? you can take and use assets you dolt. did Telltale make the mod? Valve? No? Then stfu

the headline is majorily stupid and offensive. maybe even so stupid, it's offensive. either way, man this editor is a moron.

They really need to cut out the fakes-acting-real speaking during the game. Either have real people play, have an actual narrator describing what is happening, or nothing at all. I feel really fuckin stupid having to hear these grown men sound like either teenagers or PR representatives who only have been trained play

it's the call of duty vs halo again. both look amazing, but each have entirely different gameplay.

"If you have the original game, there's a 90% chance that you own the original system"

I already have the first R&C in HD, so Im not sure whether or not buying the trilogy is worth it. Sony doesnt have a service like Steam where you can give away digital games if you have duplicates. If I got an extra code to share for R&C HD, I'd buy it, but as of now I'll be getting ripped off.

Hilarious? Nope.