
I actually very much enjoyed the first of the two. hopefully the people who made that one great still have jobs at EA

More than enough Nintendo characters to add. The villager and Wii fit girl starts it.

That's...not the only thing the pad is useful for. Practicality wins out. Also, you dont have to use the stylus just to press one thing. So that complaint is moot

Ah man, really? I really enjoyed what they did with picross 3d

Gimmicky? More like practical. Dont confuse the two.

Only if you're rushing to do something. Then again, if you're rushing through a Zelda game, you're doing it wrong. For the most part, I enjoyed kicking back and sailing, as there are things to look out for like enemies, hidden islands, treasure, and just simply controlling the camera and watching is soothing somehow.

Since neither are backwards compatible, I'll be keeping my current Gen systems and the games that are worth keeping, which is pretty much all of them as far as my library is concerned :) I'm not gonna be one of those suckers that pays for the game again simply to play it on ps4

They said "major" projects, which implies they can indeed work on multiple projects so long as not all of them as major. I wouldn't call this a major project

Key word - major

Yeah it's clear Evan doesn't watch it. It's more informative than any mainstream garbage. Go watch some more "real" NBC news Evan...lmao

The majority of you are completely missing my main point. Ok, so DKCTF isn't an eshop exclusive. Moving on. My point remains. retro can work on more than a game at once. You have to understand that they already have the assets for DKCTF so it's purely about level building. This isn't some huge adventure game. Please

Im referring to DKC tropical freeze - a downloadable game. I think you completely missed my point. Read the article, then my comment again, then circle back to me. This has absolutely nothing to do with their previous games. I'm talking about right here, right now

Lol...thats not even fair. A week vs a year? Lmao...

Lol why are you preaching to the choir, I know this obviously lol. Doesn't mean it's not important. Even back in 1986, launch of NES, Nintendo deemed it a toy. The fact that they are consistently carrying on their core message all these years is a HUGE deal, when you consider a company's legacy. Just because you

What is this stupid idea that a development team as talented as Retro can only work on one, small downloadable title at a time? I mean, have you all not noticed the tons and tons of exclusive 3ds content coming out, seemingly simultaneously? Just because they haven't announced a game doesn't mean they're not working

Ya know, that actually rings a bell now. That or my reconstructive memory is playing tricks on me again. But you're right- in this case, ignorance is bliss ;)

Could it be that we disagree with the DRM crap, but simply love their services and prices? Not everything's black and white. It is still possible to kind of hate something and kind of like something at the same time. You can't simply point to sales numbers and say "see? We must be doing everything right!" see:

Not surprised, seeing as how Nintendo started as a toy company. How Kotaku failed to mention that is beyond me.

Wait wait...Picross e??? Is that a brand new entry? If so, wtf why wasn't I told about this earlier!! Picross has been one of my absolute favorite puzzle series of all time. It's sudoku on steroids plus Nintendo influence.

What's the complaint? It's a fantastic game. I'm only disappointed because I've already played it on 3ds :-/ I just want the sequel.