
Like the sucker I am, I'll be paying for sonic. Not even that great of a game lol. But hey it's a classic that's calling me for some nostalgic love. Also, where the hell is Mutant Mudds 2? I've been waiting for ever on this news. Frankly it's best on 3ds because of how it's built to take advantage of 3d

Yup, my bad. Thanks for the compliment though! I'm just happy I wasn't deemed a fanboy for once lol

Now if only Sony fixed their ugly, confusing, and broken Near app. That thing is a nightmare.

Just in time for animal crossing - I've been playing since launch, and not one street pass home has been added to that home showcase. Lame!

I absolutely agree. This isn't about quality, it's about getting that one or two high selling, high profile games made by high profile developers on the vita. And how can anyone disagree? The sales numbers speak for themselves.

Totilo, the problem is that these games are never marketed and never pushed. Remind you of another Sony handheld? Or just about every retail and PSN game that's not Uncharted or God of War. There are plenty of wonderful games, buy non of them are that true, first party-developer caliber game. We need Naughty Dog,

Yes I would love to spend my hard earned money on glorified advertisements that some kid got for free were greatly mistaken. Care to address that? Of course not - just continue to focus on things that aren't the main point of topic. Whatever serves YOU best. Fact is, you made a stupid assumption and instead of apologizing it at least addressing it, you automatically go to something that you can argue about.

The fact that Platinum continues to support Nintendo alongside Retro and Sega has me very, very excited for Nintendo 's third party future. While Sega might not be the best dev this Gen, they still hold a shot ton of licenses than can be revitalized by the incredible talent at Nintendo. Nintendo can continue to

I also think MS's software and use of tech - not the tech itself - will continue to overpower Sony. Both consoles will shine, and Wii U will have its pocket market locked (I fucking love Nintendo and Retro Studios games...and DKC), a repeat of the last seven years

You also have to consider that their market is ever-growing, as this target market becomes parents themselves. This "cementing" gates was talking about will certainly become true when dad is into gaming and passes it to little Johnny.

Well if this heading isn't extremely patronizing lol...

What the hell are you talking about. Read carefully - I said "announce," clearly referring to Nintendo. You do realize that not only two out of three of those games have already been announced - MONTHS back - but Nintendo isn't even developing any of them...

I came here just to say something like this. Love or hate his normal franchises, if you actually play them, you can tell the man just simply has fun. You can tell from just his games that he loves life and loves this industry. He IS Nintendo and why I have such huge respect for him and his colleagues - the colleagues

Not really. It's mostly because I'm on my phone and when you make a long post like that, it dilutes my response because it's near impossible yo debunk everything you say properly. All it is is you barking. You can't converse with a dog.

No, just no

Oh wow. Lots of people going to an event through a door. How riveting Kotaku.

Well I'm not arguing that. My point remains.

lmao...dude my original post only had to do with your syntax and nothing more. You wrote it terribly. Nothing more to say :)

Hahahaha wowww yeah I'm not reading that. I read the article. You said that Ms and ps4s policy wouldn't be the same, I said they would. This article suggests that they are. What more is there to say:)