
I'm reeeeally enjoying these new designs. Even the ones in B&W were great, save for the candle/chandelier ones lol

Yeah, after seeing what Killzone Shadow Fall looks like, I'm having a hard time believing that this is even on a true next-Gen engine that they said to have created. Hell, even Killzone 2 & 3 on ps3 looks much much better. This is quake 3 engine with some fresh paint vomited onto it. Thank jebus for west and zampella

Well first, I doubt many executives actually play all their games, or even play games in general. I'm glad totilo demotes this to pure hype. And Steve, have you ever played a ubi game NOT in this generation? Beyond Good & Evil, Splinter Cell 3 Chaos Theory, Outland, No More Heroes, and AC Brotherhood are my favs.

Only needed to read it once. The key word here is "else." Take a composition course over and over again until you can process basic English.

Rolls eyes

Lol dumb. You just implied that Zelda has Mario in it

You need to read the entire thread before jumping to idiotic conclusions

Well you're not going to help Nintendo by canceling its exclusive projects, prick. Anyways, I'm not worried - Wii u's will swill sell after its slew of first party games release, which starts in August. Pikmin 3, Mario 3d world, dkc returns, wonderful 101, wind waker hd, all out before Xmas. Not to mention the slew of

First, can I not like the game itself without you turning it into "fuckon Xbox one fanboy why would you want that pos" dude calm

Hahaha. Well now I'm thinking he should be the final boss and the background would be the shit city covered in fog

Read it yet? Its ok ill let you collect your thoughts...and tears

Do you not understand exactly who is making this? Respawm entertainment! The two guys who CREATED the call of duty as we know it today: modern warfare. And so of course it has a cod feel- that's exactly why it'll kill cod. Who wants to play both? Um yeah ill take the one that looks much better and has mechs and looks

Read the article yet? I have facts from unbiased sources and critical thinking skills - you're just regurgitating whatever crap Sony tries to shove down your willfully-open

Beautiful. You've just made my day

Read the link I posted. Simply erase the part and head to the edge article. Go on, do it. Get back to me asap. Can't wait for your response. YOU. Were wrong.

I just came up with the best addition: Superman from Superman 64. He has to be all blocky-looking and all of his moves look like fucked up game glitches.

Idk, ever since the addition of Game and Watch, no addition surprises me. As a huge smash bros fan, I can see just from the trailer that the villager has a huge array of moves and a really strong bash (cutting that tree down on enemies)

Is it really coming to PC? Thatd be AMAZING! It IS a source engine game, so I can see that. Insomniac's game looks very interesting, as I'm a huge fan of resistance and R&C, but I'm willing to vet that it's a timed exclusive. And id also bet that a TitanFall 2 would make its way to ps4. This is just in good time for

Yessir! The only thing keeping cod alive now is the fact that titanfall is exclusive to X1, and momentum seems to be on ps4's side