
Huh? I was being as facetious as he was - calm down.

Very solid showing. Wii u sales are bound to pick up come Q22014. I'm personally stoked to play the best Zelda game in a new light...not so bad for a stop gap. As far as non-first party games go, I'm satisfied for now - remember, Nintendo is not done announcing games, and they likely wanted to reserve this spot for

Well that's not patronizing at all - " calm down" go fuck yourself lol

..and only you would find something to cry about. Wait...nevermind...there are plenty of you

I love it. Nintendo can keep their family friendly message but they allow indie devs to have their own space and message. Gotta love Nintendo. They have their message but are rarely heavy handed about it these days

I really like how easy Nintendo, Sony, and Steam are making it for indie devs. Hear that Microsoft? The world cares for more than just Halo and Call of Duty

"we dont know..." exactly my point as to why we shouldn't be complaining

Don't be so naive. This game is one of the if not the best Zelda game and it was played by not enough people. This gives them a second chance, and gives me another look. I beat the shut out of this too...back in 2003 or w/e. This has different dungeons, better features, and was built from the ground up; not some hd

Yeah and around the same time there were no save files or hard drives. Hey can you hear me all the way out there in the 80s?

If you bought a Wii u not expecting Mario Kart, you're a fucking moron. Want to know what the best selling Wii and 3ds titles are? Go on, take a guess. Sorry but your one anonymous flame post isn't gonna change shit.

"rolls out" think of that all by yourself? Lol...

Quantic dream is making both games

You admit they are all fun, but there's a chance to be disappointed? Is an exciting game supposed to be more than fun these days? If they're gonna take a risk on a new ip, they wouldn't announce it at e3; you can't expect them to curb a Zelda and Mario and Wii u party for it. Bayonetta and wonderful 101 already seem

Um...and the downside? To think they are ONLY working on an eshop sequel is foolish. There's a lot more Nintendo e3 to go. Be patient

Um, no. Jeez, you just HAD to complain lol

Hell yes! To those complaining, calm the fuck down. Not only is this a game in which they already have the assets for, but it's a small downloadable. View this as some basic DLC. If Quantic Dream can do Beyond two souls and this new next Gen game, retro can handle metroid u and a small downloadable game. Calm. The

For a company that promotes digital downloads, 500gb is crap. Not surprised seeing as how they kicked off the digital age by not including memory in Vita.

six AC titles in one generation. That's as many as the New Super Mario Bros and Call of Duty: MW entries combined. and that's only counting the console versions of AC

lol, thanks Kotaku for bringing up credit cards; if you're there, you're there to spend a bunch of money. Who in the fuck brings hundreds - if not thousands - of dollars in cash to something so chaotic as Black Friday?

well i'm happy that the exclusive one happens to be the ugliest one. it's the award that you'll never want to show off to friends.