
Can't list those ps plus deals now?

PLUS a subscription to use its features? You can fuck yourself lol

Yeah, I bet those are the same people who swore they'd boycott X1. Point is, talk is cheap.

Idk, not promising considering its developers track record. Perhaps I'll wait and see when I borrow a friend's copy...oh, wait

That, and consoles hold the best exclusives eg mario galaxy, zelda, uncharted, last of us, halo

countless times, this game could've been had for extremely cheap - like, under $10 cheap. Worth a $60/month subscription? I think not. And honestly, if you haven't touched Fable III yet, considering its ridiculously low price, you're really not that interested to begin with. Fable II should've been the free one - that

My PC is hooked up to two monitors and a TV via extension HDMI/cat5. Point is, your PC setup isn't ideal merely because you made it that way.

I just gave you two examples of ways gov intervention can help, but ill stick with the most important one: to enforce property laws. That right there is what separates the developed countries from the rest. Secondly, I need to point out that you don't need to be 100% free to be a free market, just like you dont need

Well considering it's the end of my semester, homework is over with. So, no, I'm not going to research specific details and regurgitate them to you. Actually, I dont even know what kind of answer you're expecting. But I will leave you with this, as I assume this is what you're getting at: free markets can be regulated

It's about principle and motives. They're not fighting for people, they're fighting for the bottom line, and using consumers as virtual little soldiers. If I were redbox, I'd do the same thing, as the majority are easy to sway. I think it's convenient for both redbox and us that we fight for the same end result, but

Yeah man, PS plus is an amazing value for the majority of subscribers.

"the future of video gaming is being decided this week." false. Nope. Not in a free market. In a free market, the ONLY people responsible for the future of gaming are the consumers who give money to those trend setters. If the public refuses to endorse this stuff by simply not buying into it, MS and Sony's attempts

Wow...i was being a jerk? What in the fuck dont you understand about the term "personal?" did I ever broadly say that "ps plus is a waste"? No. You seem very defensive. You can't fault me for sharing MY OWN, PERSONAL experience. You're thebjerkoff for discounting that. Go cry somewhere else please. This isn't an

Yup, hence me referring to this as "my PERSONAL value"

"that guy" as in that guy who has a personal feeling about something then shares it? Oh how dare I. Xcom can be had for ridiculously cheap and LBP karting garbage

I've already owned and beaten 4/5 of these, and if the demos and reviews show anything, LBP Karting is an utter waste of time, money, and HDD space. I recognize PS Plus is an amazing value, but as a heavy gamer who plays on all 6 current platforms regularly, I really question PS Plus's value to me personally. I want

I'll believe "new engine" when I see it. Anyone can just slap a few extra shaders in there and deem it a new engine, when in reality it's nothing more than an improved preexisting engine

AC is just another example of how Nintendo has a franchise for every gamer, and seeing as how I love the majority of genres, Nintendo has me refusing to turn my 3ds off. It's games like these that let you know Nintendo hardware, or at the very least Nintendo exclusives, will be around for a very long time

But this is a scoring rubric, not a math class. Was a 50/100 an "average" grade in your first grade class? If you say 5 is average, then you're implying a 3 or 4 is merely below average. Nope, not here. A 1 -4 suggests that the game isn't only well below average, but so bad that it's broken. We dont want only half of

Since when is 5/10 the average? That's a failing score dude. Are your parents lying to you? Your 60/100 semester average isn't above average lol...