
Didn't Pachter predict that both the Wii and 3ds would be absolute failures? Oh yeah let's definitely listen to him Kotaku, enough of this Pachter garbage. He keeps his job so long as media unjustly covers him

I have no idea why journalists like those here at Kotaku continue to promote this man's "work." they all know tons more than he does in terms of the game industry. Also, Keighly is a sellout, focused more on his fame than accurately and passionately covering games as a true journalist. Whenever someone in media,

This article totally overlooked the fact that there is a slew of new minigames, which personally is much much better than including games from the 80s that we've played tons of times. Another thing this article indicates is that this article will be written alongside every succeeding Animal Crossing entry; this isn't

I've been hearing Michael Pachter for years now, and every time I keep thinking "probably over half of Kotaku's readers could come up with the same, boilerplate -esque predictions Pachter makes. Where's our paycheck?"

Week in games? You mean *business I think

If this were 2004, this would have been a free unlockable for beating the campaign. This is not worthy of any dollars. If want to play as Scorpion, I'll pop in my copy of MK9.

Actual gameplay or GTFO. I can't imagine a buggy engine like Techland's running smoothly enough to match the smooth engine in, oh let's just say, Mirror's Edge! I hope I'm wrong, but I have much reason to be cautiously optimistic.

then quit journalism and become a writer.

Day 1 purchase

Amazon price fail.

OK, phew! Glad I'm not alone here. Dude, Evan, please rephrase.

I've literally never had to resync my Xbox controller before...not even my PC 360 wireless controller...this has been a widespread issue? Either not, or lucky me.

*Don't buy any hardware now, because

My roster additions wish list: Tails, Toejam/Earl, Luigi from Luigis Mansion (think of all the poltergeist moves!), a Majoras Mask Link with the three mask powers, Bayonetta, Pushmo dude, Waluigi, paper mario

Yay PC! No need for x1 yet

if you're going to be a great scifi game, you have to get both the sci fi AND the game down. Getting only the former results in a 15 hour-long sci movie, with 13 hours of nothingness.

Thank heavens for Planetside 2; DUST 514 is utter garbage. And...sorry but is DC Universe supposed to excite us? It didn't the first time lol.

I think your writing skills are superb hope you stay employed forever. this is so much better than the Facebook posts I read every day that are so full of thought and professionalism

The facts may be a result from illogical thinking, but that doesn't make my assessment of the market any less true.