
And my full picture laughs at that ugly two inches of black down the middle of yours

Good review...well, the part that actually reviewed the game. The first half is bit too pretentious. Yeah I get it, the rural lifestyle isn't the same as your lifestyle but you love it; you could've left it at that save for an example or two. I got it the first time you mentioned that you're too good for what you

Well now you're just using hyperbole and avoiding the entire context of this argument. Why I waste my time on troll children like you is beyond me. /ignore thread/

Well that's a pretty dumb assessment. Where to start. Well first, you just insulted every person in gaming journalism. Secondly, you're implying that people shouldn't be getting paid to do things they love. Yeah ok Fidel Castro.

Are you going to pay me to do so? Lol

Read my post again. I referred to "third parties." now go look up the difference between first and third parties.

It's stupid to imply that "they" didn't release all the games, and is exactly why these "promises" articles are very stupid: Nintendo is in no way, shape, or form responsible for third party games releasing on time, save for few exceptions. It's impossible to make, break, or keep such promises. Kotaku is really

Its stupid to say that "they" didn't release all the games, and is exactly why these "promises" articles are very stupid: Nintendo is in no way, shape, or form responsible for third party games releasing on time, save for few exceptions. It's impossible to make, break, or keep such promises. Kotaku is really

I disagree with Totilo saying that these age gates are meant to "...keep the children safe" because these are solely meant to protect the website from protective angry parents suing because Tommy ventured to "" to think that these are meant to protect anyone but the presenting business is an


The PC version is already basically HD lol, not to mention the inevitable texture packs and mods, existing and future, which you can have for free!

There's already an HD version of Fable, and I got it for $3. That is, the PC version of fable :) it might even look better if I apply existing mods

Woops. I see that now. Sarcasm is hard on anonymous message boards lol

The facts greatly disagree with you, but go ahead; favor your personal hunch over facts and data. Fact is, violence in America is a record low. Sure back then fiction didn't enthuse mentally sick people to act it out, but they did have, oh I dont know, political gangsters, the coliseum, and REAL LIFE violence that

Lmao...this is the silliest/most stupid question I've heard in years. But then again "there are no stupid questions, just stupid people"

Okay, I see your point. I do still think that the use of the term "promise" here is just dumb, regardless of who 's using it. I guess my eyes are on kotaku now. If just all seems very silly and dramaticized lol

Aaaaand this is why I never buy season passes. Live and learn people! Paying for something that is unidentifiable is completely irrational and irresponsible consumerism. Goes hand in hand with preordering a game that's shown nothing but a pre rendered trailer, or a console coughPS4cough that has only been touched by

It's like Square Enix is trying to win a race to go out of business. $15 is a good price for a great game, but let's face facts; the target market is used to a robust lineup of quality $1 games. A very, very stupid price. It'll sell 10 copies

I have no idea what you're talking about nor what your point is, but ill guess; Sony "listing" a release date is not the same thing as "promising" a particular release date....please tell me you know the difference lol....

Bark bark bark...thats all this pointless piece of shit survey is. I wasn't impressed by MS's handling of the conference and messaging and details either, but let's face some hard truths most of you children can't swallow; Sony hasn't yet announced their plans, so dont think omission is a good thing. I have a very