
Some of these "promises" are just plain silly. For example, how in the hell can Sony possibly make a promise about a release date for games not published by Sony? They didn't keep their promise to release ACIII...Ubisoft did...some of these promises are really vague and easy to keep. It's like me promising to breathe

Cool now use that $50 to pay for half of a 32gb, which should've been included in the first place! And honestly, 32gb is the only way to go if you're at all a serious gamer with PS+. 32gb being the biggest possible card is very silly. I think even a 64gb is minimalist, if one existed. If Sony truly cared about pushing

I know kotaku likes to give the benefit of the doubt to games, resulting in more faulty "YES"'s than NO's, but I'm going to have

Totally. These Nintendo Directs are incredibly smart and show they actually give a crap about their consumers.

Nintendo is just non stop now. 3ds went from a wasteland of games to a robust and sometimes overwhelming software lineup. Everyone bashes to Wii u but forgets so easily about 3ds. Starting in August with pikmin 3, I bet we'll see game after game after game.

....what are with these 4 & 5 am posts from kotaku lol

no, just no. There's a clear definition of first degree murder, and there's a reason it's divided into levels of murder. You can't just go change the whole system to fit this idea that a gang member is automatically worse than any other who commits murder

Labor Unions lead to an increase in prices and unemployment, and guarantee a minimum salary regardless of the worker's skill. They also get government - taxpayer- funds. Unions would force prices to go up and taxes to govup. No, just no.

shitty assumption is shitty. You know nothing about me bitch! Having a hard time adjusting to the truth? That's OK. We all grow up some time :)

how so? Just because they havent said anything yet doesnt mean there's nothing to be said. And think about it - this DRM isn't a product of Sony nor Microsoft hardware teams, because they don't give a crap either way abou used games. This is a product of game publishers like EA and Activision, who in turn pressure

Have you ever gotten a prediction wrong before? Hell, it seems like you're implying you never get anything wrong. A prediction is a prediction; meaning, anything can happen to make me wrong. I'd feel corrected and would look into how I was wrong, but I certainly wouldn't feel dumb. How would you feel if I was right?

And when kotaku bashes Sony, and when they bash Nintendo, fanboys cry an equal amount of tears. Fact is, Microsoft is on the stage now, and they're fumbling their lines. It doesn't matter what the other two companies are doing. A fact is a fact is a fact

I love how you so easily made the jump from "my prediction differs from yours" to "you have no brain, fucking idiot" in the context of something where you nor I know anything! Both opinions could happen, so stop acting so sure by calling others morons for predicting something else. People like you are so sad. No one

Because being a fake, plastic news anchor shows such strength. Lmao. Let him talk, while the rest of us live and let live.

Yeah, sadly around launch time for 3ds, I saw plenty of comments on kotaku and ign alike proclaiming the death of Nintendo due to putrid initial 3ds sales. Hell, I see the same thing regarding Wii u sales

I hate when people cherry pick arguments. You could've contributed to my main points but no, you just HAD to find an argument somewhere. Go away troll.

There's a key difference between having all platforms and having preference, vs owning one and speaking against other consoles with no prior experience. Please tell me you understand the difference. Objectively sitting back and noting the strengths and weaknesses of all platforms is not thebsamebthing

Everyone was so quick to bash MS...then again most people said the 3ds was going to put Nintendo out of business...then again again, most people are stupid. The reality here is that MS got their bad news out of the way; the same bad news that Sony now has to give at e3, whereas MS will be having fun showing off games

I've been to Japan and I assure you that most citizens have black hair and slanted eyes. Also, who said this was representing the entire Japanese population? Why can't this one lone character have this one, lone identity? Its not what all Asian people look like, its what Asian Mario looks like. And again, any argument

Lack of advertising, I'd say. How many NYKO ads have you seen recently lol