
...dude, calm the fuck down lol. I never complained. I haven't even seen it yet. Not every declaration of dissatisfaction is a complaint. Also, nothing is free. As economics major, I have been taught to think of something like this as consumption; we're not paying money, but we are paying attention - paying time. That

why is everyone who doesn't like it obligated to make suggestions? That's not their job. A simple "it didn't enjoy it" is all a consumer has to say.

No you cant just put a blanket statement on it. One example is that it's good for devs to have the choice of where to put their games. Nowadays, PSN, Steam, eShop and iOS are all platforms that indie devs choose over XBLA, because MS make the process difficult. Sometimes Sony buys developers. Other times devs choose

t...because the laws have changed to favor their motives. What they did isn't illegal, but is arguably Unconstitutional. So I assume you are perfectly fine with Americans spying on Americans due to the Patriot Act because "hey, it's legal." just because something inst illegal doesn't mean it's moral and Constitutional.

The term welfare isn't exclusively used to describe people actually on welfare. I'm referring to the entire notion of government handouts. You dont need to be on welfare to take advantage of government cheese.

Yeah, funds appropriated AFTER Obama went on without Congressional approval. I understand no formal declaration is necessary, but my point is that there wasn't even an informal approval

I did. Congress still needs to approve, unless there's a direct attack and immediate action from el presidente is necessary. In Libya, for example, Obama completely bypassed Congress. No direct threat or attack was made, so why did he bypass congress? Probably because they wouldn't have approved! That's pathetic.

you asked little kids. Do they read Kotaku? You're only referring to one age group. I was referring to Kotaku's general reader. All my friends know what the real medal of honor is. There's my data to contradict yours. Blah, this is silly. You're really grasping at straws now

Wikipedia, nice. First, we have not officially declared war, and whether or not you or the courts think it's illegal is irrelevant to the image that's set on us, hence blowback threats. Secondly, sure military action can be sanctioned, but that's temporary - the last thing authorized was the deployment to Iraq, and

There you go acting silly again - way to complete deface and utterly misuse the term "fact"

Silly, silly little boy. "war on terror" IS a catchphrase you dolt. You can't just declare war on "something" and then use it to justify invading multiple countries. I bet you think the War on Drugs is a real war too lol. Yeah Congress declared wars on drugs and terror decades ago lmao. My god, you're hilarious. In

Someone from Kotaku needs to step up to the plate and ask a rep from MS why in the hell they think they're entitled to a cut of those sales...what does it matter to them whether we buy new or used? How does buying used cost Microsoft? It doesnt? Then there's no justification for this. 100% of that should go to the

My main gripe is that we all collectively still call it an Afghan and Iraq "war." it's not a war. What we are doing is illegal under American law - Congress has to - HAS TO - officially declare war for there to be a war. There has been no such declaration. And we wonder why the world hates us when we even break our

I think that both extreme sides of the argument are invalid. While I acknowledge that there are many who dedicate their lives to securing justice and our defense, there are others, most of them, not there under those pretenses. Most of them are there because they failed out of school or are too poor to afford college

The phrase "medal of honor" doesn't just refer to the long-running video game series"

no disagreement here! It was indeed the gameplay alone that turned me off, though I wouldn't have recommended the change in style

It's so ironic that it's a reflection of modern American welfare society; do less, expect more in return.

This is just getting plain silly now. Achievements for sitting and watching something static? Silly me...i thought achievements came after actively, you know, achieving something.

So happy this discussion is heating up. Everyones been shitting on MS and bowing to Sony, when the reality is that nobody knows the important details. Just like gamers jumping on 3ds merely months after launch, we are seeing another instance of gamers and media alike thinking they know everything.

Idk why they see the need to use hyperbole and blow things out of proportion just to fabricate excitement; the last two entries have topped each respective franchise's in sales, and each entry has vastly improved their campaigns and multiplayer options. They need to keep focusing on that. Their PR person needs to get