
We can only wish media, of all types, that they not lob softball questions to developers just to secure future interviews. It's the same deal with politics. Hell, it's all politics. Would be nice if Kotaku stepped up to the plate. But sadly, it's status quo and it won't go away any time soon :(

Lol you're mad that Ms got burned umadbro

agreed. It's too easy to get upset and leave a knee jerk response. Though I firmly stand by my take on what he said, I suppose a little civility can go a long way. I may have distorted my own opinion based on all these false accusations of me being contradictory and whatnot

it's truly a shame; Overstike looked amazing at first...and R&C is one of my favorite franchises of all time. Resistance has always been solid, especially 3. So get excited right? Wrong. I played the FUSE co-op demo online with my equally excitedbfriend. I dont think either of us have been let down in so long. A lone

Thing is, I did indeed tweet him requesting he change it and expressed why I believe he's in the wrong. He responds simply"no." he completely dismissed me because he's the one with a pedestal and megaphone and with the big voice, so fuck me right? Listen, I've been reading owen's pieces for a long time now. Being a

ugh. First, I've already addressed this very misinformed assessment of my opinion. Libel and some slight, indirect offensiveness are two completely different things. You know that. You're just grasping at straws for an argument. You know that too. Not wasting my time with you, especially not by repeating myself over


. You indirectly admitted that not all right wingers are extremists, hence the need for the separate term "extremist right wingers" as correctly used in the linked Gawker article. Meaning, you are agreeing with me...

I reread what I wrote. Did not find a contradiction. Thanks for elaborating, seriously.

First, nope, never said I was "pissed." also, your point is moot. It's a very poor argument to say "A, B, and C did the same, so you're not allowed to be against D" there's no logic there.

But the difference is that if Microsoft did that to him, he wouldn't have the money and lawyers to fight it. MS has an unfair advantage, then. So yes, it IS bullying. And it IS different from doing it to an indie dev.

Well, good for him! He was quicker than the entire corporate team of Microsoft? Seems like MS's problem to me. They're probably just embarrassed they got beat from some random dude.

Doubtful. My assumption makes more sense I think. There's no way a person, unless utterly wealthy, would turn down that much cash. Furthermore, I think this guy is in the right, so this isn't him turning down money, this is him keeping his pride and exercising his rights. Kudos to him.

It's probably a matter of pride. Buying the domain name privately would be them admitting they got beat, whereas forcing them with lawyers and the law would send some sort of "we wear the pants" message. Basically, it's MS being a bunch of sore losers.

A major corporation thinks they own the world and are above society and the general public? Shocker. Fuck you Microsoft. Someone beat you. Pay up or deal with it, bitches. I love when this stuff happens :)

Good to know! ^_^

Nope, not that either. First of all, correcting semantics has nothing to do with political correctedness...lmao. Secondly, if it were mere semantics, I wouldn't have wasted time and energy on it. What I got was an implication and generalization, not a poorly phrased sentence...

Thanks for adding to the conversation on the behalf of the Kotaku community. Video game message boards might finally be taken seriously now thanks to you!

The problem is that when he refers to these people in the linked article, he refers to them as general, vanilla right wingers when he completely neglected to say they are extremists.

Totally unfair assessment of my views. You're grasping at straws