Kip Russell: Has Spacesuit, will babble

Oh good, more up and coming directors spending time making superhero movies.

Yeah, I feel like it’s unfairly dumped on. Margot Robbie’s clearly having a blast, Mary Elizabeth Winstead gave Huntress a hilarious awkwardness, and Ewan McGregor and Chris Messina make for the best gay villainous couple since Dustin Hoffman and Bob Hoskins in Hook.

In 1993 Autism was well known among mental health professionals, but it didn’t have anywhere near the public profile it does now. In 1993 I don’t think most people who didn’t have an autistic person in the family would have known the difference between autism and being “retarded”. The only pop culture point of

Just before we have some of the usual ‘Cancel culture gone mad!’ comments, no, she is not being ‘cancelled’, she is facing the consequences of using a public platform, the internet equivalent of shouting out in the middle of the street, to make questionable comments, and Disney would rather not have to deal with it.

“It is not possible to ascertain from whom the Prince caught the virus

we should start one! I write and when im creating a charachter i write with the sound of their voice in my head, for example, a fairly rough accent for the narrator - eea - ‘E were a normal babby, nuffin diff’ren’ abat ‘im... when my children were small, we read books giving each character a voice. when my youngest

are you by any chance a BRAT? ie, you had a parent who served in the Armed Forces or, are you musical? For both, we do it as an empathic social response, a bit like joining in a song we are learning the tune for, before we understand the words.

re your British ‘haitches’ - that is more London that UK wide!  Mine falls somewhere between her Majesty and ‘posh’ English.  Rolling your R’s is more Scottish than English. :)

hi. I read this all the while thinking, hmmm, you clearly haven’t looked at specific groups in society where accents are DELIBERATELY developed as part of acculturation by mobile military children, Air Force Brats, Amy Brats and so on; as a coping mechanism when they are uprooted from one base to land wherever - around

I’ll admit, the movies feel like they should take place in NYC. It’s like peanut butter and chocolate. Two great things that go better together.

Agreed. The issue with using images of cooling towers - which only emit water vapor - as symbols of pollution is that it will fuel arguments for the skeptics and self interest groups that would like to discredit articles such as these. “The author has no idea what she’s talking about. Her picture doesn’t even show

My argument is that they just need to stop using cooling towers as symbols of pollution.

I’m still bothered by that explanation because 90% of the people who see it don’t understand that. It gives the impression that there is pollution (and even not just CO2, but hydrocarbons) belching into the air at a constant stream through massive chimneys.

Unless you know where those towers are, they are not necessarily for a nuclear plant. I have seen that style of tower used for large chemical plants and refineries. In fact, the largest in the world are at an Indian coal power plant (they’re fucking 222 meters tall!). In China at least they seem to be much more common

its a prequel *slap* it’s a sequel *slap* its a prequel *slap* it’s a sequel *slap* it’s a prequel AND a sequel!!!!!

Wasps on a Space Station in 3D

I love maltballs - give me all the whoppers. I went to a party recently and I was so happy they had this huge bowl of red, yellow and orange maltballs. I was like wow, I thought nobody likes these. Then i ate one - they were gumballs and I was very disappointed. Even getting a malted milkshake is hard now.

I’ve got a LOT of Reese’s peanut butter cups. 

Where is all that money now