“Blue Sky’s final movie, a fantasy story about a young shapeshifter called Nimona, will be left unfinished and will not be released.”
no, not a BRAT. somewhat musical, though. And ADD (which correlates with a strong empathetic response)...
You may have forgotten about Dark Fate, but I haven’t. (okay, I only saw it a week ago, and then to make sure I saw it on a big screen. family was busy, we fit it in, mmmkay?)
It’s not a reboot. It follows on from T2 in a sensible way, and updates the concerns of the first two movies (nuclear annihilation, ceding…
but how will the Zodiac killer fit in?
I’m a Canadian; We’ve got Malteasers. :)
got any trades?
I will take ALL your malt balls, thanks.
Making matters worse, Melania appeared to hand out Hershey’s white chocolate
same for “self-made billionaire” Kylie Jenner.
it’s sensationalist reporting, and it sucks.
I am down for more Laura Prepon-the-air, tho...
they look a lot like corrective shoes that would be made for someone whose one leg is longer than the other...but De Niro just happens to be wearing two of them at the same time...
“Bradley wants honeycomb, we gotta give him what he wants!”
Madonna, She-Wolf of the SS
as noted here, actors start to renegotiate their contracts if it looks like they’re on a good thing.
Syfy seems to take great delight in pulling the plug at season 4 so they don’t hit the five year mark and perhaps HAVE to commit to strong renegotiation with the talent...
Bear in mind that most jobs continue to exist today not because they need doing, but because socially, we haven’t figured out how to enable people to take part in society without money. Unless your labour can be measured and rewarded in money tokens so you can take part in living, we don’t know what to do with you.…