Kip Russell: Has Spacesuit, will babble

The good conservative comedy is never intentional.

This is too meta for me this morning.

“Conservative comedy” has always been an oxymoron. See: Dennis Miller, Jesse Watters.

Push it, and real good at that!

Wouldn't a hammy bad guy Patrick Stuart be worth the price of admission?

I know that this opinion is controversial, but I think that Tom Hanks is a good guy.

Now why can’t everyday life be like Tom Hanks?

One of the things that bugs me about these assholes is the not too veiled hatred of autistic people.

jesus fuck at the losers in here who are piling on Gadsby “she’s not funny lulz lulz look at how contrary I am.”

I mean, she had the biggest stand-up special of last year so I really feel this on you for not knowing her.

Bautista is the only one to come out of this stupid thing with an even better reputation than he had going in. It takes a lot of courage as a relatively new movie star to take a stand against the Disney behemoth, and he was tenacious in his defense of Gunn.

Thank God for movies because otherwise we'd have no idea that rape was ever a problem.

And if it’s done in a way that’s incredibly sensitive and about the story, what are they worried about? I don’t understand that.

Jesus H. Christ, this is depressing.

This is what struck me. The numbers are all like “oh, people spent a long time watching Grey’s Anatomy, Friends, and the Office.”. You know what those shows have? A LOT of episodes. Natural breaks that keep the pace breezy. i.e., something you can leave running in the background while you do whatever. Each episode

When do we reach peak streaming? How many services can the average viewer reasonably adopt?

“Specifically how when a dude comes inside you, you become in their thrall, how it’s an attack on your feminist freedom”

You and me both, lady. You and me both. 

Gah, you’re right, I’m fixing. I should have just sold highlighter palettes.

I don’t know if this counts as being fired so much as the director realizing they made a mistake by casting someone who is too far from the character and make-up just isn’t doing the trick. Same idea as when Peter Jackson realized the original Aragorn was way too young, looked too much like Orlando Bloom and costuming