
he had that girth”

OH MY GOD!! He referenced the fact that Fraser had some pounds on him!! He's a VISIONARY!!

How long can we drag this out?  Either you liked the performance or you didn’t; either it ruined the movie for you or it didn’t.  It’s just shallow Cinema Sins hot-take criticism (see also:  holes, plot).  “Aha, I found one flaw with your critically-revered movie!  Now, I don’t have to think further about the merit of

INSANE that last weeks was a b and this was a b-. Not the greatest SNL ever, but a solid B+ by modern SNL standards IMO. Last week was borderline unwatchable
Also, why have last weeks SNL comments been completely invisible all week? This site makes no sense sometimes

Hiroshima, mon Amour features some pretty harrowing after-effects. I watched that the day Oppenheimer premiered. Maybe I’ll catch it on streaming.

I don’t know who or what that is, but it can’t be worse than how they picked a post-insurrection Rudy Giuliani.

Meh, Sarah Palin was worse. 

I think I’m not hipster enough because I like U2 and kind of hate the “Let’s all agree that something sucks” mindset about art. I may have to turn in my AVClub card.

I loved it when it came out, and a theater was playing it over the Summer, and I watched it again, and still loved it. I guess some of what you mention could be a little problematic now, but the same theater showed Breakfast at Tiffany’s a couple of weeks before this, which, holy cow.

Based on an excellent book and the collaboration with Emma Stone and Lanthimos on this adaptation looks very interesting.

“The film, Lanthimos’ first since The Favourite won Best Picture at the Oscars in 2019 [...]”

De Niro didn't win an Academy Award for Taxi Driver even though he was nominated. He did win for Godfather Part 2 and Raging Bull.

It’s hard to argue against most of Linklater’s observations here, but on the other hand movie making has never been as cheap, easy, and accessible before. I think we may be in the early stages of a massive shift in how movies are distributed, watched, and become (or not) a part of the cultural discourse; that doesn’t

We watched Boyhood again the other night and it seems to get better every time I watch it.

Look, I adore Richard Linklater’s films, but man do I tire of these arguments.  Cinema is always evolving, and the one constant, are those who proclaim cinema dead or dying.  They said as much when talkies came in.  And color.  And widescreen.  And television.  And digital. Cinema evolved, and changed, but that’s what

It seems that “toxic workplace” is now merely a catch all term for places, people and industries that are both high stress and trying to maintain “high standards” (yes, that last term is subjective, clearly).

These so called toxic workplaces just sound like workplaces from my experience.

Ever send a long dense email that hinges on a pivotal attachment that you forgot to actually attach? 

a typical $10k vacation

he’s ‘never been in a hospital’?!