
Next up 5 more hours of ow my balls! Brought to you by Brondo! It’s what plants crave!

A movie theater is the best way to see EVERY movie.  Not just ones with explosions. 

Same - the two theaters near me are generally spotless.  Also helps that both serve beer and cocktails.

Actor disappointed by size of her role!

We were all intent on Jimmy Fallon retiring, but he refuses to.

It’s utterly beyond function on iPhone’s Safari app. On the rare occasions someone shares an article, I actually have had better luck getting it to load through Facebook’s internal browser (which should be very telling, given how shitty that is), but I’ve completely given up visiting the site on mobile otherwise.

It’s stunning how the user experience on this site gets worse and worse by the week. When I pull this page up on my phone, it reloads constantly (often in the middle of writing a comment, wiping out my progress), links to articles open external affiliates in new tabs instead of the article, videos play with sound

The Cannon Canon is always subject to revision.

Canon? Cannon? Canon? Cannon? 

Really fascinating that “I watched X famous movie for the first time and I have thoughts“ has become a relatively common feature across pop culture sites. Maybe I’m reading into it, and def leaning into fun police a bit, but it signifies a few things to me:

Look, I know young people have to exist and there’s nothing I can do about it, but an article which is basically “Guys! Guys! Did you know Sean Connery was James Bond?! And he was actually good?! Pity your average person living at the height of the Cold War knew almost nothing about the threat of nuclear technology

It really does seem crazy now, at least to me, but it was not THAT long ago (within my lifetime, anyway) that 30 was considered the end of something major - and the beginning of the end of everything. Especially for women.

Nixon also actually accomplished helpful things in his presidency.

Gen Z is killing the carrier pigeon industry.

I know it’s not the first time... but this article sure seems like a canary in a coal mine for the encroaching time that EVERY SINGLE RESPONDING POSTER is much more knowledgable on the topic at hand than the author.

X did what X does best”

Jesus Christ. No.

Edge of Seventeen may or may not have been the best movie, but it was the most accurate. And it didn’t sugarcoat how young gay men often treated their best female friend (who was secretly in love with him) like garbage.

this might be the worst list ive ever seen

this writer doesn’t want to be right