
Have “adult dramas” (that don’t have the hook of some particular genre like crime or science fiction) really moved to TV/streaming, though?

That was my first thought. I think about that movie every time I walk into a new house. Or even just my house.

A tracker tracks peoples tracks to find them, you dingus.

The beginning of Memorial Day weekend this year was the busiest travel day in the history of American air travel:

But the box office has been rebounding. The proof is in box office revenue.

That’s the fun of it. He’s the obvious choice for who did it - so obvious that it seems too obvious both to us and Blanc, like there should be a twist there. I found it pretty entertaining.

Stephen Tow-LOW-BOWSKI, . . . I mean it’s written right on the screen . . .

no mention of the BBQ baby with ego and kenan? mostly awful ep outside of that

Don’t wait. Forget the technical visual and aural advantages of a theater, The Fall Guy is a movie that needs audience vibes to shine. It’s funny and the practical effects are awe-inspiring and something chemical happens when you're with a large group of other people experiencing joy and wonder.

If they own a 20 ft TV sure.

I mean, it’s a big action comedy with lots of neat looking setpieces, surely it plays better on a big screen right?

For fuck’s sake, I hope we don’t get a string of reviewers commenting on someone’s hair again. So many films and performances have been reduced to stupid shit like that.

What’s Jost’s appeal again? Other than being a boring white dude who laughs at his own jokes, because that’s just charming.

I think I”d endure those two to see Adam Driver, Zendaya, Cate Blanchett, Lawrence Fishburne, Dustin Hoffmman, Jude Law, Forest Whitaker, Aubrey Plaza, Oscar Isaac, Pfeiffer, Lang, James Caan, etc.. in one film.

I’ve watched a couple of the more recent episodes. Good lord, it deserves all the hate you can give it.

I agree, every one of those sketches just boiled down to “new terms for female genitalia.” This episode reads like no one had a good idea for a cold open, so they threw something together that they remembered made Gosling laugh and ran with it.

We’re starting off strong [...] the return of the unhinged Colleen Rafferty

It’s a shame because I actually thought there were some funny ideas for sketches, what point is it enough with the breaking? He’s done this every time he’s hosted, in almost literally every live sketch he’s in, and it always becomes the only thing anyone takes away. Is this still cute? For a lot of people, I

The Sarah Sherman owl bit was ok.  That’s the only positive thing I have to say about this episode.  
