Think about movies like The Graduate or Kramer vs. Kramer, though. Massive commercial hits.
Think about movies like The Graduate or Kramer vs. Kramer, though. Massive commercial hits.
A Ghost Story already did the hundreds of years pass around a house thing, and that movie is amazing.
No way, you’re forgetting about Who Framed Roger Rabbit!
So this has nothing to do with the landmark digital camera and features no appearance by Steven Soderbergh? False advertising if there ever was!
Getting really exhausted with Lanthimos, who surely peaked with The Lobster. After the overlong and odiously male-gazey Poor Things I have serious reservations about seeing the 165 minute-long (!!!) Kinds of Kindness.
Interestingly enough, outside of Harry Potter, this film has probably John Williams’s most memorable theme of the 21st century.
Looks like Tilda!
“Nobody has any money to spare because we spend it all on rent and maybe groceries if we’ve anything left over. And nobody has any free time, because we’re spending it all working to pay for rent and maybe some groceries, and maybe getting four or five hours sleep if we’re lucky.”
They had a lot of hits, though?
If this emphatically large-scale movie feels to you like “I’ll wait until it hits streaming,” then I imagine pretty much every movie feels like that to you.
The Elephant Man thing was a really, really long walk to get basically nowhere. Dropping in an anachronism is not inherently funny, and the fact it wasn’t even explained made it worse.
“(the last time I remember sitting up and taking notice of a kid in a film because their performance actually seemed as good as an adult’s was Dakota Fanning in War of the Worlds).”
She looks way more like Emma Stone, especially Emma Stone as Billie Jean King.
“Disney revealed that it’s put Amy Adams’ Nightbitch on its 2025 film release calendar.”
But is it better than Godzilla ÷ Kong?
A Moon Shaped Pool was eight (!!!) years ago. Where is the new album!?
Tennessee Tuxedo anyone?!
Maybe we just think Across the Spider-Verse was bloated, poorly structured, and inferior to its predecessor? It is possible, you know.
They always recap the nominees before presenting the winner, so this was definitely not normal. Really bad decision, especially because the show ran short and naming the nominees wouldn’t have affected anything.