
There was an equally massive backlash because one of the Lilo and Stitch actors wasn’t quite dark enough. This anger, on the other hand, was considered perfectly acceptable, and in fact righteous. The rationale was that characters actual skin tone, not just her ethnicity, was somehow vitally important to a story

It’s such a weird argument to make “Why do people care so much about a kid’s movie?” 

Why do we care about the mainstream culture that shapes young people’s perspective???
(Shouldn’t a country care most about what type of stories are marketed towards children)

It’s so telling of the times we live in where when people

… … …

I think by now we are all aware that there is a certain sub-section of the population that spends 24 hours a day seven days a week despararely scouring the interwebs for something new to be outraged and aggrieved about (and to raise money on the back of).

At some point, perhaps we ought to stop writing breathless

Awful reporting, the article even contradicts its own headline. Taking AV Club off my news feed. 

I’m not sure how widespread all this dislike from the non-Shapiros of the world is but I hope this is kind of accurate because I hate the Disney remake trend on a fundamental level. But it seems like no matter what even if the movie’s bad (or at least demonstrably worse than the original) they keep making them, and

Of course, but I’m guessing that less than a quarter of their movie and TV output over the past five years has been original, as opposed to remakes, adaptations, sequels, or expansions of already-known IP.

Cynicism. The reason we care is because of cynicism. We all care about this is because the controversy is the only reason to care about it, and I suspect that Disney knows this all too well. They’re not getting anyone to talk about their remakes on the basis of quality; we all know they’re cheap, cynical cash-grabs.

I don’t watch live action adaptations of anything animated on principle— I think there’s a certain charm with animation that cannot be replicated with live action, and it sometimes comes off like even Disney feels animation “isn’t a real movie/an actual piece of art/a thing that should be actually paid attention to by

You don’t get to keep them. Even if Netflix wanted to get rid of all their discs by giving them away to subscribers (which the article erroneously implies), their licensing deals with the studios are for rental only. Netflix would get into big legal trouble if they let people keep the discs.

It wouldn’t be AV Club if the writing wasn’t uninformative, incorrect, and poorly researched. Can’t wait until they fire the writers and rebrand as “AI Club.”

On a side note: Did she really deserve an Oscar for that portrayal? Gabourey Sidibe was nominated too. Anyone could play a white football loving mom.

To be totally fair, they see it as a two-hour toy commercial because, well, it is a two hour toy commercial in large part. It’s not just a toy commercial, of course, and it’s not fair to look at it purely through that lens, but let’s not act like they’re wholly wrong to view it that way. It’s like like everyone involve

See, this is what I appreciate about growing up with cinema in the 70s: filmmakers had to have ideas, and grow characters and stories out of them, rather than just trying to make a movie out of a board game or toy. If Barbie is as good as I hear, great. But like the incessant string of remakes over the past 20 years,

Maybe I’m being obtuse, but basing a movie on existing IP, whether it’s a toy, game, cartoon from the 80s, YA book series, comic book, breakfast cereal, etc., even if you have an original story and hire a bona fide auteur to make it... it’s still a franchise movie.

It sounds like he was giving an example when he said "your ears or something" but hey whatever we can squeeze an article out of. 

So, respectfully, as a non-American you’re missing a ton of political context to this song and its lyrics. The sense that an increasingly stratified wealthy class is throwing the majority into poverty is not specifically partisan. But there are many tells that give away this performer’s leanings.

From a merchandising standpoint, to generate even more revenue, they should really make some sort of action figure of her character.

I mean Ted was genuinely great with something to say and good screenplay.

Fuck this article and, honestly, fuck you for writing it. This is a garbage take about nothing. He literally is saying nothing here. He didn’t get the movie, his opinion has no substance to it, this is NOTHING. This man does not have a single thought in his brain, as deeply proven yet again right here. FFS.